extreme Catholic
Friday, July 09, 2004
Follow-up on Fr. Hawkins, Fr. Clay in Fort Worth Diocese Knight-Ridder: Priest reprimanded for allowing accused clergyman to lead worship FORT WORTH, Texas - (KRT) - An Arlington priest was reprimanded by the Fort Worth Roman Catholic Diocese for allowing a friend and fellow clergyman once accused of sexual misconduct to lead worship at his church. No one other than Fr. Wilson is going on the record on this one. It's a disturbing matter all around. I am also bothered that documentation that Fr. Hawkins claimed to possess supporting Fr. Clay's permission to have a priestly ministry in Scranton was not made public.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:22 PM Permalink ![]()
The point to this is mastering XSL Check out the list of the political blogs of St. Blogs parish The change here is that I weigh the score to the size of the blog. You won't get a high score merely by archiving every month. To get a position on this list you have to have updated your blog in the last 10 days.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:16 AM Permalink ![]()
The Republican Convention Speaker Lineup Thanks to Kate O'Beirne of National Review we have a focus on the speakers at the convention here in New York a few blocks away:
She calls the "Rockefeller" label not a perfect fit. I call them sane on defense and taxes and liberal on social policy. This window-dressing for the political unengaged (i.e. the stupid voter) who needs some reassurance that the face of the Republican party is not Cheney, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, etc. I believe there's a hard politican calculation on the part of the convention planners that showing speakers who actually support the President's agenda on all fronts. This is Dick Morris triangulation -- moving to the center to win over the undecideds. There's no winning with the media - I predict they will call this a obvious bait and switch. That master of hypocrisy, Andrew Sullivan, sees hypocrisy in this. (I don't know about you, but when the subject is not Iraq, anything that can annoy Andrew Sullivan is something that's got something to be said for it.) Here's my rationalization for
Here's my personal political statement:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:43 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, July 08, 2004
D'Amato to Party Bigs: Dump Dick Former Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato yesterday called on President Bush to dump Dick Cheney from the GOP ticket. So Al grabs a headline. I wonder where Al crossed Cheney in the past? The joke is that D'Amato didn't mention the more obvious VP choice -- former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani -- with whom Al has had a 20 year old feud. Cheney is staying on the ticket. And we can get back to ignoring lobbyist Al.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:33 PM Permalink ![]()
Village Voice: Kerry's Catholic Question Wayne Barrett With Special Reporting by Ben Shestakofsky It's not at all clear that Judas received communion as he left the table before the meal had been completed (see John 13:30) It is only in Luke where the betrayal prophecy follows the breaking of bread. The article is interesting for its focus on the Al Smith dinner in October and the history of not inviting some politicans who were enemies of the various cardinals. There's a lot of stuff I agree with and a lot of stuff that is simply wrong in the linked article. I agree with the bottom line: Egan will either invite both or neither with the probable outcome being that he will invite both. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:10 PM Permalink ![]()
Here's another Kerry story that died quickly The Chicago Tribune and ABC News sued for information that had been sealed in custody agreements in the Jack and Jeri Ryan (not the divorce agreements) -- over the objections of the parties involved. CT and ABC apparently didn't know what they were going to find there. But the discovery was that Jack Ryan had asked wife Jeri to have intercourse with him (no problem there), but in public at a sex club (legal, but immoral) Jack Ryan was asked by the Republican party to withdraw from the Illinois senate election. The Republicans are still scrambling to find a candidate before the deadline. (AP story) Senator John Kerry divorced his first wife Julia Stimson Thorne in 1988 after a six year separation. On the record, Kerry has only stated that he sought an annulment not that it was granted. In some web sites, the authors assume that it was granted, because Kerry does receive Holy Communion at Mass. Given the fact that the Archdiocese is fully beholden to the Kennedy's and Kerry's, there's no way those records can be obtained. However, the state court records are a subject for a lawsuit although the precedent in Illinois doesn't apply to Massachusetts.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:23 PM Permalink ![]()
Unborn: good news and bad news.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Extreme Mercy or G.I. Joe meets the Afghan version of Willie Horton Washington Times: Freed Gitmo detainees back in rebel ranks, officials say Several detainees released by the U.S. military from the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have rejoined their former comrades-in-arms and taken part in fresh attacks on American troops, according to Defense Department officials and a senior Republican lawmaker. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:44 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:16 PM Permalink ![]()
Diocesan Bankruptcy (1) Will the "real owners" stand up? It will be interesting to see if parishes and schools and other Catholic instiutions which were not counted in the assets of the Archdiocese discover who the "real owners" are and then these "real owners" make decisions regarding the disposition of property without the involvement of the archbishop. This could lead to all sorts of mischief. (2) It was a "voluntary" bankruptcy A lot of the challenges that a bankrupt petitioner makes to the court for privacy purposes can only be made when the action is "involuntary". A voluntary bankruptcy is generally considered to be an act where there is a high degree of cooperation between the petitioner and creditors and the demands for financial records will not be contested. I suspect that the creditors will not be satisifed with the the disclosures and petition the court for a trustee to be given physical custody of the records as well as access to the accounts held at financial institutions. My guess the first request from the creditors will be a full accounting of all asset transfers and sales that have taken place since the civil action for the sexual abuse cases were filed. (3) What privacy? As far as I can tell. Bankruptcy courts have never permitted a non-profit corporation to assert a privacy right. In the spectacular failure of Hale House Lorraine Hale attempted to conceal transactions made by the non-profit corporation under a privacy claim. She and her husband were convicted and sentenced to five years probation. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:27 AM Permalink ![]()
Philippines Surrender Philippines Sun Star: RP blocks workers going to Iraq after abduction President Arroyo announced measures Thursday to stop any more Filipinos going to Iraq to work after an Arabic television station reported that a Filipino worker had been taken hostage there. Is there any other concession that the terrorists want from Gloria Arroyo? Go ahead, abduct another Filipino.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:17 AM Permalink ![]()
New York Times: Catholics Puzzle Over a Bankruptcy Filing One day after the Archdiocese of Portland became the first archdiocese in the nation to file for bankruptcy protection because of the large sums it is being asked to pay in sexual-abuse claims, Catholics in this city expressed anxiety over what the move will mean and wondered about questions as simple as what to do with the offerings this Sunday. Great attitude there, Bud. That arrogant "leave it at that" goes a long way to influencing the sympathy of the plantiffs and the bankruptcy bureaucracy that you now report to. Do you think the bankruptcy judge is going to kiss the ring and show the homage to Portland Archbishop John G. Vlazny as if there were under canon law? Again, the "director of communications" speaks and not the archbishop himself. If the bishop doesn't own and control parish property, if the "real owners" were to sell it off, would the bishop have a problem with that? If you looked at the Canon Law on church property the term "alienation" appears. This is term that covers all the possible losses of ownership: sale, gift, seizure, destruction, etc.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:50 AM Permalink ![]()
NewsMax: Cardinal Ratzinger Orders Kerry Communion Ban In a private memorandum, top Vatican prelate Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told American bishops that Communion must be denied to Catholic politicians who support legal abortion.chiesa: The Kerry Affair: What Ratzinger Wanted From the American Bishops ROMA - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was clear with Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, archbishop of Washington and the head of the "domestic policy" commission of the U.S. Catholic bishops' conference. He was more than clear, he set it down in writing: no eucharistic communion for the politicians who systematically campaign for abortion. Read: no communion for the Democratic candidate for the White House, the Catholic John F. Kerry. Ratzinger's memorandum is presented in [the linked article]. It was sent as a confidential letter, during the first half of June, to cardinal McCarrick and to the president of the bishops' conference, Wilton Gregory.Washington Times: McCarrick tempered letter on pro-choice politicians Cardinal McCarrick's nuanced speech during the meeting from June 14 to 19 paraphrased the Ratzinger letter to say that the Vatican had left the issue of Communion in the hands of the U.S. bishops.Either Cardinal McCarrick's paraphrasing skills are terribly deficient or he misled the Catholic faithful. Catholic News Service: Cardinal McCarrick says leaked Ratzinger memo is not whole story Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington said July 6 that the leaked text of a recent memo he received from a top Vatican official, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, on Catholic politicians and abortion appeared to be "an incomplete and partial leak" not reflecting "the full message I received." The Catholic News Service never fails to disappoint. They accept on its face the statement released by "communications officer" Susan Gibbs. I would think a Cardinal could be his own "communications officer". This article doesn't address the obvious fact that McCarrick has misreprented Ratzinger's position in order to make his own position seem to be in accord with it -- when the positions are contradictory on the essential point. This is a journalistic crime. I think this is not a mere policy matter any more, but Cardinal McCarrick's lack of integirty exposed for all to see.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:23 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Editor's Note People are using this list of recently updated blogs with a word score for "Religion" and "Politics". Some of you are even linking to it from your blog, very cool. I was asked for examples of religion keywords. I picked obvious ones: Vatican, pope, bishop, sacrament, Holy Eucharist... For political keywords: Bush, Kerry, Senate, Senators, Congress... It's a raw count not adjusted to the overall word count of the blog. It's great for trying something new in St. Blogs Parish. I never would have discovered the funny Ales Rarus without creating this list.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:43 PM Permalink ![]()
The Bigotry of 19 elections back.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:25 PM Permalink ![]()
New York Times: Portland OR Diocese files Chapter 11 The Archdiocese of Portland, Ore., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Tuesday, becoming the first Roman Catholic diocese in the nation to seek such relief in response to mounting claims by victims of sexually abusive priests. The BBC prepared this article: BBC: Q&A: Archdiocese bankruptcy Some questions:
This introduces that big issue that I have been discussing: the Church's loss of financial privacy in a bankruptcy filing: U.S. Treasury Report on Bankruptcy and Privacy It will be interesting to see if the court decides to view that diocese as a non-profit corporation or a human person (and therefore entitled to a greater degree of privacy) The purse and patrimony of Peter have been handed over to Caesar's men in green eye shades.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:16 PM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
![]() This photograph is originally from The New York Times and was reproduced in Empire Statesman, the Rise and Redemption of Al Smith.
Smith and the Cardinals on the steps of city hall in NYC in 1926; Al is in the center. He had absolutely no sense of the problems this photo would cause him. Al Smith is one of my favorites from the 20th century. It was a blessing that he lost to Hoover in 1928.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:52 PM Permalink ![]()
A new Amazon listmania list The Church Triumphant: The Catholic Church by Trimuphalists I started a new list on the subject of Catholic triumphalism. What is Triumphalism? The Pope explained it in Redemptor Hominis Undoubtedly one of the tendencies it displayed was to overcome what has been called triumphalism, about which there was frequent discussion during the Council. My definition? It's the "in your face" (i.e. boastful and proud) attitude that the Catholic Church is the best and every other religion is defective. The truth of the Catholic Church needs to be explained in a way that does not alienate the audience. Suggestions on books to add to the list will be accepted.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:24 PM Permalink ![]()
Fun Dept. The Top 25 Weirdest Items You Can Buy on Amazon posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:37 PM Permalink ![]()
AP: Portland [OR] Archdiocese Say It Will File Chapter 11 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The Portland Archdiocese said Tuesday that it will file for bankruptcy, becoming the first Roman Catholic diocese in the nation to seek bankruptcy court relief in the face of accusations of sexual abuse. I'll believe this when I read that it has been filed. The degree to which the court and the creditors themselves can examine the financial records of income/expenses and assets/liabilties is almost unlimited. We'll be seeing individual Visa® and Mastercard® statements before this is all over. Slate had a good article on this from 2002 when Boston was contemplating it. The bankruptcy trustee will be appointed by the court -- he or she will answer to the court and not to the Church (or to God) -- and will control the records, income, and assets of the Church during what is called "reorganization". Every account number, key, file, password, data base, etc. is under the trustee's control. Separation of Church and State? No way -- this is a voluntary submission of Peter's purse and patrimony to Caesar's men in green eyshades. Can the Vatican approve that?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:35 PM Permalink ![]()
"Life begins at conception" the latest Kerry flip-flop "I oppose abortion, personally," he told the newspaper. "I don't like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception. But I can't take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist ... who doesn't share it. We have separation of church and state in the United States of America."Kerry had not taken the Mario Cuomo position before. This is rightly seen as a change, a novelty. Kerry would not be the favorite politician of the pro-abortion advocacy groups that he is if he had been making this claim for years. It is, of course, of lie. What makes it an especially purposeless lie is that pro-abortion avocates and pro-life advocates don't believe it. Are there any people so ill-informed and unengaged from politics that they see this as an accurate reflection of his views all along? So today Kerry is less heroicially a pro-abortion advocate. Some of the extreme pro-abortion advocates will complain, but not too loudly, at this as a cave-in, a concession. It doesn't move Kerry an inch off the road to hell. The question that no one has the guts to ask John "life begins at conception" Kerry is "If life begins at conception for you, in your personal view, then there would be no difference between abortion and the murder of an infant. In your political life, why do you support the murder of unborn children?"
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:36 PM Permalink ![]()
Monday, July 05, 2004
The Battle Cry of Freedom Words and music by George F. Root
Oh, we'll rally 'round the flag boys, we'll rally once again,
We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before, Chorus
We well welcome to our numbers the loyal, true, and brave,
So we're springing to the call from the East and from the West,
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:06 PM Permalink ![]()