extreme Catholic
Saturday, October 11, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:56 PM Permalink
My memory... how does it work? The combination of nazi paraphenalia, guns, sex, etc. triggered a memory. Now I know from where it came. William Heirens was caught and later plead guilty to being the Lipstick killer in 1946. "For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself" scrawled in lipstick on a mirror is not a movie cliche, but a real event. Some question that he really did it, in spite of his confession.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:26 PM Permalink
Nostradamus predicted that the Anti-Christ... would emerge from the Holy Roman Empire. Today, the state which is directly descended from the Austro-Hungarian Empire is Austria. Others assigned the prediction to Adolf Hitler, then Kurt Waldheim, and even Joerg Haider. Perhaps it is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Anticipating a papal election, it could even be Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, Archbishop of Vienna.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:01 AM Permalink
Friday, October 10, 2003
The extremeCatholic extremeQuiz: What's the connection?
These are "vacant sees" -- Archdioceses and Dioceses where an archbishop or bishop is waiting to be appointed.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:31 PM Permalink
Just when you thought, the Vatican would understand the need to keep a low-profile on this media bias thing Cardinal Sodano says US scandals exaggerated; speaks about Pope's health The second-highest ranking bishop at the Vatican said on Friday that the clergy sex-abuse scandal in the United States had been exaggerated by the media and unfairly tainted thousands of priests. What's a "vast majority" in the Vatican's calculus? What number is the tolerable number of priests who are sexual criminals? What generalization has been unjust? The timing of this is extremely poor: all over the United States -- there are stories of priests who have been involved in crimes -- from harassment and theft to murder this week. The crisis is not a creation of the media -- it is the still unacknowledged self-inflicted creation of the bishops who neglected in their care of the faithful to protect them from criminal priests. It is a crisis simply because the bishops tolerated men behaving badly that would not have been tolerated in any other occupation. One expressed the lowered standards of behavior on the basis that he was a "shepherd" and not a CEO. But here -- the Pope is ON TARGET iafrica: Pope condemns 'scandal' priests Pope John Paul II spoke out on Thursday against the "scandalous behaviour" of Roman Catholic priests who break the vow of chastity, in remarks recalling the sex scandals that have embroiled the church. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:09 PM Permalink
Another group sends a message: The Archbishop must die Yahoo/AFP: Police investigating threats against Catholic archbishop in Canada
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:49 PM Permalink
Limbaugh Confesses!
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:56 PM Permalink
New York Post: Whiz Kid Hacker Stole Accounts To Cover Losses Federal agents have busted their first hacker caught looting other day-trader stock accounts: a 19-year-old business major who'd been handling six-figure trades. Authorities say the stock scam has rattled the online trading crowd, and that day traders shouldn't download anything from strangers. This is an another example of intelligence without ethics. There are probably 100 others like him who have not been caught. I wonder if Van Dihn is related to Ngo Dihn Diem, the first president of Vietnam -- or is Dihn one of those names like Murphy, Ryan, and Sweeney -- very common in the old country?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:07 PM Permalink
New York Post: Gay Kids Bash Back Students at the city's high school for gay kids ganged up to clobber a man after he taunted them, cops said. Bad news all around. These are mean streets. In a odd way though, it's a demonstration that this school was not necessary as these kids behaved like the mob looking for vengeance we expect non-gay kids in similar situations to do. They did not cower in fear because they were gay. Fear doesn't seem to be a problem for them. They are tough enough to be among the students in other schools and are not a bunch of sissies.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:45 AM Permalink
Inquirer: Software company to sue student over using shift key The firm made a "statement" claiming that Alex Halderman "came to false conclusions" about the robustness of the firm's Media Max software.How embarassing for all concerned. The lawsuit, of course, is merely harassment. I hope the counter-suit is able to recover all the legal fees plus something to punish SunComm.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:11 AM Permalink
Reuters: Catholics dismayed pope misses Nobel VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The decision not to give the Nobel Peace Prize to Pope John Paul has disappointed Vatican officials and Catholics, who felt the ailing pontiff deserved it and may not live to get another chance. So the Nobel Committee didn't award the Pope for his opposition to the war in Iraq (and presumably for his demand for American boots on the ground in Kosovo and Liberia to keep the peace). I think this tells us more about the anti-American bias of the Nobel Committee and its blindness towards the evil that was and is Communism and tells us little about the Pope. The Pope is on track for the greatest glory a human being can share in: to be eternally in the presence of the Holy Trinity. Back to the temporal order: it would have been appropriate for the Pope to have shared the honor with Lech Walesa in 1983. But better late than never. A list of the past winners with links to their bios posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:53 AM Permalink
A lot of defenders for this Jesuit WISH: Brebeuf President Calls Allegations Against Knoth "Deeply Troubling" In Knoth's case, the provincial found the allegations to be credible and asked for Knoth's resignation. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:15 AM Permalink
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Paddypower: Betting on the next pope
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:29 PM Permalink
The Straight Dope Cecil Adams: Can HIV pass through the pores in latex condoms? Dear Cecil: Theoretically, it can't be established if the virus does or doesn't pass through the gaps. But you'd be foolish to accept the risk of contracting HIV with a condom anyway. Abstinence works.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:50 PM Permalink
Guardian (UK): Vatican: Condoms Don't Stop AIDS How unlike the Vatican to have a conflict with the United Nations! The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which the HIV virus can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk. The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to the HIV virus. Is the Vatican claiming a superior competence to the WHO on a scientific matter? Surely, the Vatican could announce who the scientists are who have devloped these specific claims. Because if what the Vatican says is true, this is one very, very big conspiracy to suppress the truth.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:40 PM Permalink
The story starts... Rev. John F. Johnston, 64, of 78-12 35th Avenue in Jackson HeightsOh my .... I live (lived?) less than a mile away from him (near 39th Ave.). He's such a confluence of factors that go into the priests who live a double life. I live a block away from a rectory with four chaste, holy, friendly priests. It also shows that the carefully parsed, edited, and approved by the Vatican Dallas guidelines to protect minors avoids the problem presented here by Johnston and so many other priests who appear in the news: they cannot or choose not to live chaste and holy lives. Father Johnston then said he had stolen more than $80,000 from the collection at a Long Island church, St. Martin of Tours in Bethpage, where he performed Mass on weekends, the official said. The priest said he had taken $100 a week, and told the police the money was his "401K plan," the official said. New York Post: Priest From Hell The seedy details of Johnston secret life were exposed Tuesday night when cops went to his apartment at 78-12 35th Ave. in Jackson Heights after tracing a barrage of "profanity laced" phone calls to him, officials said. New York Daily News: Priest had loot, Nazi stash, porn Behind his white collar, a Queens priest kept some dark secrets, cops said yesterday. The Rev. John Johnston, 64, was a pistol-packing padre who had a stash of Nazi memorabilia and gay porn in his Jackson Heights apartment, police said.New York Newsday: Priest Arrested A trace on vulgar phone calls to a Catholic high school principal led detectives to the Queens home of a pistol-packing priest, who collected porn and Nazi memorabilia, and had $87,000 he skimmed from a Long Island church, police sources said yesterday The New York Times and Newsday don't mention that the porn was homosexual. The Daily News and Post do mention this -- and that he taught in an all-boys school for 23 years. This story was the top of the television news. It pushed the story of an 18-year old kid who killed himself and two others in a explosive car crash at 95 MPH in a $100,000 302-horsepower Mercdes. UPDATE: NY1 News video link
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:20 AM Permalink
The Age (Australia) Pope mooted for Nobel Peace Prize October 9, 2003 - 12:05PM Speculation is growing in Italy that this year's Nobel Peace Prize will go to Pope John Paul II in recognition of his steadfast opposition to the US-led war on Iraq.Via Drudge but I blogged it before he did.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:04 AM Permalink
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
The Pope and the Nobel Peace Prize I agree with the analysis of the Wall Street Journal (paid subs. reqd.) In its most basic form, while he should have been recognized for his role in ending Communism, it would have been politically incorrect to do so. But because the Pope supported the continuation of the Saddam regime and opposed the American-led war in Iraq, that makes him a very attractive nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:45 PM Permalink
Newsday AP: Alleged devil worshipper gets life sentence for murder JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- An alleged devil worshipper was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday for killing a college student in his apartment and then setting her body on fire. Just a reminder that stories that involve the devil are not always a joke.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:38 PM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:16 PM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:05 PM Permalink
Blog this before the memory of it fades... In an interview with Brit Hume of Fox News, California Democratic spokesman Bob Mulholland called President Bush "Bush Junior". To his credit, Brit Hume winced and would not let that cheap shot go by. Muholland giggled like a little girl and defended his pet name for the President. Mulholland showed no class again in threatening a recall of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:30 PM Permalink
1010 WINS: Unusual Collectibles Investigators found an unlicensed pistol, pornography and Nazi paraphernalia at the home of a priest they arrested on suspicion of making harassing phone calls to a Catholic school, police said.This is more proof: It's not about pedophilia, it's a bigger problem. Also, I expect that WINS will correct the spelling of to Bishop Loughlin in due course. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:10 PM Permalink
For a man facing life in prison if convicted according the allegations in the National Enquirer Rush Limbaugh sounds very relaxed and upbeat. He's having a great deal of fun with the word overrated. I'm sure I missed a few:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:41 PM Permalink
Winners and Losers Winners:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:23 AM Permalink
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:16 PM Permalink
A confidential conversation with the President revealed. X said that when he sat down to talk with Bush on March 5 the president began expounding the reasons for war at length, until the X interrupted to say: "I did not come here only to listen, but also to ask you to listen."Nice move -- asking the President to shut up. Bush listened to X, but raised objections to X's moral arguments against use of force, its rejection of "preventive war" and its warnings about the practical consequences for Iraqis and others. Was he expecting Bush to provide satellite intel and GPS coordinates for the bases? Terrorists were trained in Iraq. X also questioned the administration's conviction that Iraq possessed and was ready to use weapons of mass destruction.This was the conclusion of the United Nations and the previous American administration. Saddam had used them and not provided evidence of their destruction. But Bush had no doubt that he was right, X said. The president acted almost as if he were divinely inspired and "seemed to truly believe in a war of good against evil," X said.X was confronted with certitude -- something he must see only occasionally. A US President needs to be certain before committing the country to war. "We spoke a long time about the consequences of a war. I asked: 'Do you realize what you'll unleash inside Iraq by occupying it?' The disorder, the conflicts between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds -- everything that has in fact happened," X said.What accounts is X reading? The Kurds and Shia are now living in peace and without the terror of Saddam. Their infrastructure is being rebuilt or created where it didn't exist before. Some Sunni's and foreign infiltrators have attacked cooperating Iraqis and the coalition forces. The overwhelming number of Sunni's are grateful that Saddam's regime has ended and look to the future of a free and democratic Iraq under the rule of law and not tyranny. But who is X? A French ambassador? A German foreign minister? A Reuters correspondent? A BBC interviewer? And who reveals what was exchanged in confidence with the President? posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:43 PM Permalink
NY Post: That Filthy Woman TRAGIC: Daniel Scruggs hanged himself in his closet after classmates ridiculed him over how he smelled. In reading this story I though of women whom my wife has befriended over the years who were clearly having problems coping with life like Judith Scruggs. I've been to more that one appartment that stinks to high heaven with dogs or cats or both where an elderly or mentally challenged person can't deal with the reality any more. Through a great deal of prodding I believe my wife helped one very needy woman care for herself, get medical care, etc. to allow her to live with some dignity for ten years. I don't diminish the great personal responsiblity that Judith Scruggs had. But I don't think this was inevitable. So I wish that Daniel and Judith Scruggs had some caring neighbors who could work with them long before this terrible tragedy happened. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:32 PM Permalink
Perseus: The Blogging Iceberg - Of 4.12 Million Hosted Weblogs,Most Little Seen, Quickly Abandoned An interesting statistical analysis of blogs. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:47 PM Permalink
Catholic Analysis: Michigan Governor Granholm: Looming Excommunication? The Michigan state legislature has passed and put on the desk of pro-abortion Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm a bill banning the gruesome practice of partial birth abortion (see Detroit News story). The governor, who claims to be Catholic, is likely to veto it. The Michigan Catholic Conference, the official organization of all Catholic bishops in Michigan, has come out strongly and publicly in favor of the bill. Apparently, in many churches, the strongly worded letter of support for the bill penned by the bishops is being read from the pulpit or reprinted in parish bulletins. The Michigan Catholic Conference also purchased full page ad space to publicize its support for the ban on partial birth abortion in major newspapers. (See Cardinal's open letter [PDF document]). I wrote back to Oswald Sobrino, Granholm would have to be warned by her bishop, since it is he who would make a finding that in the act of signing that law she had excommunicated herself.I'd very, very surprised to see this happen. It's the right thing to do, but the bishops don't have the guts to do it.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:30 PM Permalink
AP: Local sculpture irks some on Kansas campus A sculpture from Longmont that depicts a Catholic clergyman in a cap bearing resemblance to a penis has drawn angry criticism from people who want it removed from the Washburn University campus (Topeka, Kansas) I didn't copy the photograph over to this blog because it is too disgusting. It is sculpture by Longmont artist Jerry Boyle titled "Holier Than Thou". The Catholic League and other bloggers have mentioned it but my outrage increased after I saw the photo. There's free speech for Catholic-bashers, and there's the establishment clause and the non-existent wall of separation used against us when we defend outselves, or attempt to spread the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. After looking at the photo and article, you may want to write or call: President Jerry Farley posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:54 AM Permalink
Last Call on Posts on California Recall I can understand people who opposed recall from the start. I can understand people who were for Arnold Schwarzenegger from the start. I can understand people who became aware over time that AS was electable and represented the best chance for a change over the unelectable McClintock. (I'm one of those.) But I can't understand people who hold these two ideas simultaneously:
If you believe that this was a setup job then disregard the allegations, and if your conscience is pricked, then contribute later to a legal fund for these women to prosecute Governor Schwarzenegger for sexual harassment. Also, contribute to the fund to have the alleged victims of Gray Davis sue him for sexual harassment as well. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:34 AM Permalink
Monday, October 06, 2003
Dear Diary: I know some people are disgusted by entries like this. Be patient. I promise to be brief. Saturday: My second cousin gets married in St. Patrick's Cathedral. A nuptual Mass. The bride's family is from New York City and everyone else is scattered across the United States. It takes us 30 minutes to get there on the subway. Nice reception at the New York Athletic Club. Good food and a live band -- it's been a while since I've been to a wedding with a live band. Monday: A Mass for the 20th anniversary of the passing of Cardinal Terence Cooke, Servant of God, from this life at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Fr. Benedict Groeschel CFR is the postulator for the cause of his canonization. All the material is now in Rome in the hands on the Congregation for Saints. We might hear from them in a week or in the 22nd century. Monday: A lecture on the papacy of Pope St. Pius X at St. Patrick's Cathedral. A peasant pope who was for 20 years a parish priest. A reforming bishop and a reforming cardinal and a reforming pope. We need a repeat of a pope like Pope St. Pius X.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:46 PM Permalink
The Silver Hammer Stays in the Vatican MuseumThe Silver Hammer Mystery Question from JP on 02-06-2003:EWTN QA: Contradicted Death of a Pope Question from Michael Lynch on 01-10-2002: Later "Questioners" corrected Dr. Carroll. UPI: Feature: dead pope will not be hammered
As recently as 40 years ago, the Camerlengo did this by tapping the pope's head three times with a small hammer and shouting his family name close to his ear, but that colorful ritual is not mentioned in the 1996 revisions made by Pope John Paul II to streamline the process, and referred to by the opening Latin words of the document as "Universi Domini Gregis..." -- The shepherd of the Lord's whole flock... posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:21 PM Permalink
Mepham Update (Associated Press) In a related story, police say the father of one of the accused boys was found dead in his home Sunday morning. Police would not release the name of the 40-year-old man, who was found dead in bed. Police say the cause of death will be determined by an autopsy. Police say that the results of toxicology tests could take up to three weeks to determine a cause of death. The accused teens will be tried as adults. Their names will be withheld. I'll make the prediction: when this is all over -- Mepham High School will get a new name.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:41 PM Permalink
Commentary: Are they really Catholic? By Uwe Siemon-Netto UPI Religion Editor Published 9/30/2003 11:44 AM Read the whole thing. I echo the same here: let the bishops name names and excommunicate if they vote contrary to clear Catholic moral teaching. Blogger credit: Old Oligarch.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:02 PM Permalink
Making America Safe for Cuius Regio Eius Religio The event that marked the end of the Religious Wars of Europe was the Treaty of Westphalia 1555. For those of you who are studying for you Advanced Placement World History exam the importance of this is self-evident. For the rest of you it created peace by reducing the matter of religion to "whoever's domain it is, his religion prevails there". How most that have appealed to monarchs. This country is on the road from religious freedom to a Cuius Regio Eius Religio of atheism. Religion is not tolerated, the mockery of religion must not only be tolerated but funded publicly and that's all it takes to impose atheism as the state religion. As a child I was told that if Communism came to America it would be the end of Christmas. Now that's such a terrible thing for a child to imagine. The Freedom From Religion Crowd has brought to us a Christ-free Holiday Season. Many of us have Sundays off from work - a day for shopping. Most Christians and Catholics are asleep. The enemy here is sublime and patient working step by step and creating a sequence of judicial precendents that will ultimately remove God from any public recognition.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:01 PM Permalink
Issue United States citizenship upon entry to the United States -- no questions asked. If this is not the public policy position of Cardinal Egan and Bishop DiMarzio, then I must not be reading their statements correctly. There is no law concerning immigration that they believe should be enforced, at least in the United States. There's no hint in their statements that there might be an interest in establishing some requirements before granting citizenship. Details in the Daily News
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:07 AM Permalink
Playing to the clock No one has explained why the women (most of whom remain anonymous) waited until just four days before the election. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy on August 7, why did they wait 55 days if they wanted to have an impact on the election. I believe it is because they did not want to give Arnold Schwarzenegger and the electorate a fair opportunity for him to address the allegations. This timing works entirely to Davis' advantage as he is incessant now in creating doubt among the electorate that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a sexual predator.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:38 AM Permalink
Mepham Bulletin: WNBC: Dad Of Accused Boy In Sodomy Hazing Case Reportedly Found Dead No details have been made available yet.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:40 AM Permalink
Tales of the Vatican Bureau of Investigation AP: Case of Morristown pastor accused of fondling girl is sent to Vatican Ken Mullaney, a diocese attorney, said that because of his age, if Dericks is found guilty at a church trial, the diocese would seek a life of penance for him, meaning he would not be able to identify himself as a priest. I'd like to ask Ken what's the difference between a life of penance and any other kind of life. Does a Rota judge really say "The accused is sentenced to a life of penance" and bang the gavel?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:36 AM Permalink
Mepham Update: Greenwich Times: The Community Shares Shame A letter: If you leave boys together for more than 8 hours without supervision, mischief will happen." This was a comment by a Mepham parent on TV. Perhaps this is the general consensus of parents, that mischief occurred and only a "snitch" would tell on the others. - New York There's a prudent judgment that kids learn -- saying something like "Ms. Brooks -- Billy looked at me and made a face." -- "Ms. Brooks -- Johnnie looked at me and made a face.", etc. or something that is offensive in a small way and then calling on authority to deal with it rather than confronting the source of the small offense -- that's a lesson that starts in the first playgroup in nursery school. There's a line to be drawn there -- and felony sexual assault is so far over the line that I wonder would they have tried to cover up a murder? Also, I have been a "boy" and supervised "boys" and I can't imagine that left alone for 8 hours, homosexual assault will happen. This is like a version of Lord of the Flies on PCP-Angel Dust.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:31 AM Permalink
AP: Bobby Jindal advances to runoff in Louisiana governor's race Jindal, 32, the son of Indian immigrants, is a protege of Foster and a former assistant secretary in President Bush's Department of Health and Human Services. His youth and ethnicity were expected to work against him in a state where former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke once scored a majority of white male votes in a statewide run. I'm sorry but I missed this one. It's an interesting development: for AP to attribute the acceptence of this candidate to his mention of the Ten Commandments and the Catholic faith. Pray that this becomes a national trend. Now if this continues through the general election...
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:52 AM Permalink
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Three New Saints The most famous was Daniele Comboni, who worked as a missionary in Sudan before founding the order of priests that carries his name and now works in many countries around the world. Another new saint is Arnold Janssen, who was born in the lower Rhineland in 1837. The third is Josef Freinademetz, born in 1852 in the South Tyrol, part of the Austro-Hungarian empire which was given to Italy after World War I. 476 canonizations by Pope John Paul II -- this is more than all the other popes combined.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:59 PM Permalink