extreme Catholic
Friday, January 21, 2005
Official Inauguration Stuff From the White House: text, video links, info. Also, is anyone watching the History Channel's mini-series on the President's of the United States? So far, the series has been excellent. If you haven't, try to watch the repeats.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:57 PM Permalink
Added to the Blogroll Catholic Friends of Israel discussion of world events by Don Kenner, director of Catholic Friends of Israel posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:36 PM Permalink
The inaugural address itself was startling. It left me with a bad feeling, and reluctant dislike. Rhetorically, it veered from high-class boilerplate to strong and simple sentences, but it was not pedestrian. George W. Bush's second inaugural will no doubt prove historic because it carried a punch, asserting an agenda so sweeping that an observer quipped that by the end he would not have been surprised if the president had announced we were going to colonize Mars. Perhaps Peggy Noonan thinks she's in the running for William Safires's job. This is ankle-biting envy. This is offering an "Good, but I could have done better" criticism. Noonan wrote "the world is not heaven." True and it misses the point. We are on a mission from God: to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. In my religion class, I point out the paradox of this: We're supposed to convert the world from sin and we're doomed to fail. Nevertheless, that's the goal, we strive. What does the world tell us? Don't bother, think of yourself first. Or to use the examples of the temptation of Christ in the desert: comfort, safety, and power. When President Bush said We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world. I think he got it exactly right. Liberty in the world is a good thing for us and we can't be indifferent to tyranny's expansion. The role of the United States in 2005 is different from the role of the United States in 1905 when Theodore Roosevelt took the oath after his election to president. A role of world leadership. This is a role that the UN cannot fill -- don't look to Iraq but look to the response to the tsunami response to see the failure of the UN in leadership. It's not Too Much God but Remember - we answer to a higher authority. It was a bold speech and about as religious as the greatest speeches of Washington, Lincoln, and even Kennedy.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:39 AM Permalink
Jihad Watch : Inside Information on the New Jersey Murders A close friend of Hossam Armanious, the Coptic Christian who was brutally murdered in New Jersey along with his family, is the source of this information, which comes to you exclusively from Jihad Watch:The Armanious family had inspired several Muslims to convert to Christianity — or thought they had. These converts were actually practicing taqiyya, or religious deception, pretending to be friends of these Christians in order to strengthen themselves against them, as in Qur'an 3:28: "Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful -- he that does this has nothing to hope for from Allah -- except in self-defense."
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:40 AM Permalink
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Commentary: American left still controls most powerful institutions James K Glassman The American left — liberalism, collectivism, statism, New Dealism (call it what you want) — remains firmly in charge of most powerful U.S. institutions. Here is a brief review of 10 of them, along with my rough estimate, by percentage, of conservative influence.In the religion category the National Council of Churches and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the left controls them. No surprise there.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:31 AM Permalink
Internet Observer: Thunderbirds, the Catholic Faith, the Tsunami Rescue from Tracey Island : Anthony C. LoBaido Back in the 1960's a new children's television show became all the rage in both the UK and the U.S. They were known as the Thunderbirds. Who are the Thunderbirds?It works best if you were a child in the 1960's or just want to be one.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:25 AM Permalink
Arctic Cold May Be Responsible For Two Deaths In The City : NY1 As New Yorkers cope with the coldest day of the winter so far Tuesday, and with snow on the way Wednesday, police say it appears two people have died as a result of the frigid weather. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:19 AM Permalink
UPDATE: Nun's alleged attacker ordered held without bail : Newsday The man accused of beating a nun, raping another woman and robbing a bank all in one week's time was arraigned Wednesday night on those and a series of other charges from crimes allegedly committed during a spree that Queens prosecutors said began on New Year's Eve. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:16 AM Permalink
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Minority Report and the Department of Pre-Crime meet the Catholic Church in Tennessee Tennessee Supreme Court Press Release
In a unanimous decision setting a new legal standard for finding reckless infliction of emotional distress, the Tennessee Supreme Court has cleared the way for a $68 million child sexual abuse lawsuit against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville to go forward. What legal power does the Church or anyone have to prevent anyone from doing anything? This was dismissed at the state circuit court, and the appeals court, and then reversed at the state supreme court. Mr. Edward McKeown was laicized in 1989 and these criminal acts against John Doe's took place between 1995 and 1999 and there is no allegation that the diocese had any knowledge of them.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:29 PM Permalink
Spain's Catholic Church Backs Condoms : AP In a substantial shift from traditional policy, the spokesman for the Catholic Church in Spain has said it supports the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS. "Condoms have a place in the global prevention of AIDS," Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, spokesman for the Spanish Bishops Conference, told reporters after a meeting Tuesday with Health Minister Elena Salgado to discuss ways of fighting the disease.The back-pedaling on this should be a thing to watch. Catholic World News is watching it as well. My comment there: The idea that the Church offers guidance as to choose among a menu of mortal sins is morally and theologically repugnant. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:23 PM Permalink
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Reason Number 10481 I'm glad I am not an Episcopalian Challenging preeminent authority : CJ DeStefano : Renew America While Catholic bashing continues to rear its ugly head in America, it is usually relegated to the lowest common denominator in society, Hollywood and liberal elites striving for a more manageable secular society. I truly could not fathom the notion that this type of hate speech would not only be sanctioned, but peddled, by one of the last vestiges of the Christian faith. Tbe object of this essay: obscene sexually graphic art depicting the Blessed Mother and Our Savior in the sanctuary of the Episcopal Cathedral of St John the Divine. The linked article has his letter to the bishop and the bishop's reply.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:06 PM Permalink
We in the US have annulments, The Catholic Church in Italy has extreme annulments Vatican lawyers rake in cash as 'widow wars' go beyond the grave : UK Independent Roman Catholic Italy is witnessing a boom in demand for posthumous marriage annulments with many unions hitting the rocks as soon as one of the partners is lowered into the ground. There may not be marriage in heaven, but there can be a mess back on earth.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:03 AM Permalink
Monday, January 17, 2005
St. Ann's Church In Manhattan Holds Last Mass : NY1 Roz Li says three generations of her family have worshipped at St. Ann's near Union Square. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:34 PM Permalink
Courageous Nun Shrugs Off Attack : New York Post A 69-year-old Queens nun who was pistol-whipped and carjacked last week was ready to return to work yesterday, friends and colleagues said.She is a Sister of St. Joseph (CSJ)
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:29 PM Permalink
Teen father may face charges in baby's death : Newsday The 15-year-old father who may face charges in the death of his newborn son visited the makeshift memorial Monday outside the Bronx church where he left the child in a Happy Birthday bag.You can love her, but it's still murder.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:15 PM Permalink
Spreading the Word via Friar-Cam : New York Times T one time, the Eternal Word Television Network consisted, as its name might suggest, largely of talk. Viewers might see the network's founder, Mother Mary Angelica, pugnaciously laying down the natural law to doubting Thomases, or Father Benedict Groeschel, a kindly, bearded sage with an uncanny resemblance to Robert Crumb's Mr. Natural, discussing thorny issues of the faith. At off-hours, you may have found the soothing murmur of nuns repeating the rosary, but that was about it. It's good publicity. I have a confession to make: I knew of Robert Crumb's work before I know of Fr. Groeschel's.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:40 PM Permalink
[Syrian Catholic] Archbishop is kidnapped by Iraq insurgents : UK Telegraph Insurgents seized the Archbishop of Mosul from outside his church yesterday in one of the most daring assaults on Iraq's Christian community since the war.I think the Vatican is wondering if the "force of law" or "law of force" will apply to obtain his release. Perhaps because the Vatican has paid ransoms in the recent past, it has encouraged more kidnappings. Update: A 66-year-old Syrian Catholic archbishop kidnapped by masked gunmen was freed today, a day after his abduction, without the payment of any ransom, the Vatican said. Hmmm... I wonder why they have to assert that ransom wasn't paid. I imagine it's because of suspicious people like me.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:55 PM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:10 PM Permalink
The Coming War Between Catholicism and Islam : Gerald Flurry : thetrumpet.com History proves the Catholic Church to be one of the most militant institutions ever created. It does not believe in a democratic philosophy. It has routinely and often “converted” people by the sword. And yet, this world seems unwilling to hold it accountable for its war crimes.It's a bit hard to identify the point of view of the author -- but I think it is that the Catholic mindset is to confront Islam while a really Christian worldview somehow would have prevented the rise of Islam, and failing that, the disaster of the Crusades, and failing that the disaster of the current war on terror in which we now find ourselves. What a strange history to call attention to the year 622 A.D. In a.d. 622, Catholics fought and were defeated in a crusade against the Persians and the Jews. Some 60,000 Catholics were killed and 35,000 enslaved. The fall of Jerusalem left the Catholic world shocked and mourning.In 602, the Sassanid Persians who were Zoroastrians attacked what had been Byzantine or Roman Empire since 63 BC. In 614 Jerusalem fell, Jews and Christians were killed, synagogues and churches burned. The relic of the Holy Cross was taken as plunder and Persian rule was lasted 14 years. This was ultimately foolish as the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius defended his territory and recaptured Jerusalem in 628 to the joy of both Christians and Jews. This was short-lived because Jerusalem fell to a Arab Muslim army in 638 and a few years later the Sassanid Persians were wiped out and their capital Ctesiphon taken. One hundred years later, it was Catholics who stood their ground somewhere between Potiers and Tours in October 732. That Gerald Flurry writes for the Philadelphia Church of God is only made possible by their valor and sacrifice.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:40 PM Permalink
Vatican Renews Commitment to a war on Islam by Abid Ullah Jan : Media Monitor Network “The Vatican's renewed commitment to a war on Islam came to light in an editorial in the newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference, Avvenire, written by Vittorio Parsi, a professor at the Catholic University of Milan and the newspaper?s foreign policy expert.” This article for Muslim audience has as its point of view that Vatican supports the War on Islam This article quotes extensively from The Vatican (Slowly) Awakens to Jihad By Joseph D'Hippolito : FrontPage Magazine I've been calling this Crusader propagandaa. It's as if Ann Coulter's last National Review Online column which was written less than 48 hours after her friend Barbara Olson was killed on the plan that crashed into the Pentagon became the national security policy of the United States: We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. Even I don't advocate this, but it's significant that Muslims are circulating these opinions and the spin they put on them: the difference between the "Neo-Con" (i.e. International Jewish Conspiracy) position and the Vatican's is that the Vatican would substitute direct rule of the United Nations for the United States-Israel axis.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:55 PM Permalink
Criticism or "what did he mean by that?" Here are two true statements: Jesus Christ is the only-begotten Son of God. Which statement has more authority? Think about context. The following is from the USCCB Catechism Update of Fall 2004 In the past, the Committee had also cautioned publishers against presenting doctrine in any type of manner which implies a certain doctrine or teaching is a matter of opinion. In order to simplify the matter, the Committee had directed publishers to avoid introducing doctrinal teaching with formulas such as “Catholics believe that...” or “The Church teaches that...”I think this is wise -- because the book is establishing its context for authority: when authors state in a text on the Catholic faith: "Mary is the mother of God." It is a stronger statement than "The Church teaches Mary is the mother of God" with its implicit we know better: but Mary might not be the Mother of God. Another Context On the other hand when the writer is making a claim that something is true -- not merely by private judgment or reason but because the Church teaches it. Appealing to an authority that the reader can accept. Because of the Wikipedia online encyclopedia is, in my opinion, infested with inaccuracy and anti-Catholic points of view. It is chock full of "the Church teaches..." "the Church claims..." and my personal favorite "Critics say..." Anyone can volunteer, by the way. An example of what is being attempted here is starting with providing a disambiguation of Catholicism
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:56 PM Permalink
Islam, known as the religion of peace makes it statement in blood. Islamic Hate Eyed in Slays: New York Post The father of a murdered New Jersey family was threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online ? and the gruesome quadruple slaying may have been the hateful retaliation, sources told The Post yesterday. No one believes this was a simple robbery, given the methods of the murder and the apparent lack of a search in the house for valuables or cash. I pray for the family, the Christian Coptic community, and that our country doesn't become a place where small-scale Islamic terrorism like this becomes commonplace. Should it be proven in the course of the police/terrorism investigation that they were killed by Muslims for Hossam Armanious' advocacy of the Coptic faith, they may be martyrs for the Christian faith. The family is believed to have been murdered early Friday January 13, 2005.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:00 PM Permalink
Triumph magazine was published during the most critical period of American history since the Civil War: 1966–1976. These were the years when America passed through a near-revolution and ceased to identify itself as a Christian nation, becoming increasingly secular and neo-pagan. Triumph was founded to champion the view that every nation is shaped by its religion (or lack thereof); that a religion that has nothing to say in the public arena is not worthy of the name; and that what it has to say must be, first of all, religious. The Best of Triumph will be a source of inspiration and practical guidance for all those interested in the transformative power of Christianity in political life. Intercollegiate Studies Institute is the publisher.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:02 AM Permalink
Sunday, January 16, 2005
This book, just published, contains a photgraph which I took in 2003 of a Corpus Christi procession in my parish, St. Sebastian. I wonder if the pastor wants me to autograph his copy. It's appearance in the book as a permanent record of the parish liturgical life came as a surpise to me. I took the photos and turned them into the parsh and the diocesan newspaper long ago and forgot about it. ISBN 2-7468-0912-5, but I believe it will only be sold in the rectories and offices of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:04 PM Permalink