(From October 22, 2008) Deifying Obama
Fox News Video Fr. Jonathan Morris on the Strategy Room
Worth another look now.
Labels: culture, obama
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 7:39 PM
ALL's Judie Brown on Sen. Brownback: "I'll never use 'pro-life' to describe him again"
Sen. Brownback congratulates Sebelius, pro-Lifers stunned: lifesitenews.com
Laura Ingraham ripped Senators Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts today for supporting Kathleen Sebelius' nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services. She supports the notorious late-term abortion specialist George Tiller and has been shielding him from scrutiny.
I took some heat for supporting Romney over Brownback because (a) I was willing to accept that Romney had changed his position on life issues, (b) I couldn't support a candidate who wanted defeat in Iraq.
Labels: politics, pro-life
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 9:20 PM
blog discovery Damiam Thompson: UK Telegraph
Two recent posts worth reading:
Lady Jane Grey: another Protestant myth dismantled by a Catholic historian
an excellent review of a book and a footnote figure in the bloody period of the Renaissance
Cardinal Mahony's comments on the traditional Latin Mass are a disgrace Damian explores the contempt of the Cardinal for the traditional Mass.
Labels: blog, catholic, guest theologian, liturgy
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 8:53 PM
Obama Says Now May Be Good Time to Invest in Stocks: Bloomberg
March 3 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama said falling share prices may mean bargains for investors with a “long-term perspective.”
Obama, who is seeking to boost public confidence in his strategy to pull the U.S. out of recession, spoke a day after stock markets tumbled. The Dow Jones Industrial Average yesterday dropped below 7,000 for the first time since 1997. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index closed at the lowest level since October 1996.
The Dow Jones Industrial average on election day was 9625, on the day where President Obama made this announcement the DJIA was 6730, a drop of 30 percent and in round numbers 3000 points.
When does President Obama take responsibility for the economy?
The market is continuously adjusting to and taking into account what the policies are and will be. It is predicting doom at the moment. President Hoover thought that stocks were a bargain after the crash. This one case where President Obama doesn't want to be compared to a prior president.
Labels: obama, stock market
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 8:04 PM
Michael Steele hopes the Obama agenda succeeds and, by the way, Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer
After Tussle on G.O.P. Title, an Apology to Limbaugh: New York Times
WASHINGTON — The new chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, apologized to Rush Limbaugh on Monday after describing him in a television interview over the weekend as an “entertainer” who made incendiary and sometimes ugly remarks, party officials said.
Mr. Steele called Mr. Limbaugh after the radio host belittled Mr. Steele on his show, questioning his authority and saying the new Republican leader was off “to a shaky start.”
“It’s time, Mr. Steele, for you to go behind the scenes and start doing the work that you were elected to do instead of trying to be some talking head media star, which you’re having a tough time pulling off,” Mr. Limbaugh said in a transcript of his remarks posted on his Web site.
“You are head of the R.N.C.,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “You are not head of the Republican Party. Tens of millions of conservatives and Republicans have nothing to do with the R.N.C., and right now they want nothing to do with it.”
What Steele said can't be taken back. "...Rush Limbaugh, the whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it’s incendiary. Yes, it’s ugly."
That quote is going to used by Dems to drive a wedge between the Conservative movement and the Republican party until Steele's term is over or Rush is off the air.
Rather than damaging Rush, it backfired on Steele. He's lost what limited credibility he had with the conservative movement. He's got to have spend time getting some trust back -- so does he want Obama's agenda to succeed? Is he so inarticulate that he can't separate the country, from its government, and from the current administration?
What Steele needs to do as RNC Chairman is end the open primary in states where the party can do so, and, above all, stop New Hampshire and South Carolina from being the first primary states.
My suggestion (actually, I forgot who came up with this...) is to have a lottery between Thanksgiving 2011 and January 1, 2012 and pick the first primary states at random.
Part of the reason why Rush has 20 million listeners is not as he sarcastically suggested his song and dance routines, but his political insights.
Labels: politics, rush limbaugh
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 11:03 PM