extreme Catholic
Saturday, August 07, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:30 AM Permalink
Friday, August 06, 2004
Meta-blogging Something that I've noticed in the last few months is that either bloggers are getting better or old media is getting lazier. Stories are appearing in local or foreign media or in some cases from eyewitnesses -- and they are not getting noticed -- that is not until bloggers bring it to the attention of big media. Here's an example where I didn't break the story. Houston Chronicle reported the Tom DeLay press release on the Subway fat American ad campaign in Germany. (Wed July 28, 2004) It took the blogs and days of increasing awareness before old media reacted and publicized it -- but Subway had already reacted. and it shows up on TV news tonight. I'm always reading about stuff in blogs days before it gets to TV.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:42 PM Permalink
Looking for a bigger version of this photograph. This is the most enduring memory of Vietnam that I have. I was about 20 when the picture was taken. Nixon had ended the draft when I turned 18.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:51 AM Permalink
Run Alan Run AP: Keyes Needs Time to Decide on Ill. Senate Run With the general election less than three months away, former presidential hopeful Alan Keyes says he needs a few days to decide whether he wants to accept the Illinois GOP's offer to be its Senate candidate. I think it was the 1996 election where I felt I had to contribute to the presidential campaigns of Buchannan, Keyes, Robert K. Dornan. Alan Keyes is a great campaigner who would be a great Senator. Some articles speak about Hillary Clinton carpet-bagging herself into the open seat created by Daniel Moynihan's retirement in 2000 (he died in 2003) -- but none mention that fact that she forced out a Democrat Congresswoman, Nita Lowey from Westchester/Rockland who had declared earlier for the Senate seat. She yielded for the good of the party. The situation in Illinois is that no Republican with state-wide visibility wants to run. The door is wide open for Keyes.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:56 AM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:57 AM Permalink
Even a President Sharpton would respond after an attack. This is of special interest to Catholics who deny that the wars in Afghanistan and/or Iraq were just wars. WSJ Opinion Journal: Wonder Land
Kerry Commands Voters to Forget Politics, History -- Even a President Sharpton would respond after an attack. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:25 AM Permalink
Tours I'd like to see Esoteric Explorations has a real tour about the hoax that is called the Da Vinci Code. (which I have still not read.) I'd love to go on a Da Vinci Debunking Tour organized by Catholic historians.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:17 AM Permalink
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Bill Donohue has bagged another trophy! Catholic League president William Donohue commented today on the resignation of Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson as the Senior Religion Advisor to the Democratic National Committee (DNC):“Rev. Peterson told Religion News Service that "it was no longer possible for me to do my job effectively." The Washington Post added today that her decision was made "after the New York-based Catholic League issued three blistering news releases attacking her positions."” The Democrats don't get it, do they?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:57 PM Permalink
Reuters Misspeak on Bush Misspeak Reuters: Bush Misspeak Cites U.S. Readiness to Harm U.S. President Bush told a roomful of top Pentagon brass on Thursday that his administration would never stop looking for ways to harm the United States. The latest installment of misspeak from a president long known for his malapropisms came during a signing ceremony for a new $417 billion defense appropriations bill that includes $25 billion in emergency funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said. The Republican incumbent, who is in a tight race for reelection against Democrat John Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, used the 11-minute presentation to underscore his commitment to U.S. troops. On hand for the ceremony were Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Neither do we what?
What an idiotic and biased thing for Reuters to write. Doesn't Reuters understand the concept of context? Update: Jay Leno made this item a joke.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:23 PM Permalink
A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating "unclean" meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises, according to Local 6 News. This story was highlighted on the Drudge Report. And then I joined into the discussion on Amy Welborn's Blog. Ms. Morales has recourse to both the state and federal courts on this one. And "at will" employment doesn't permit discrimination by sex, age, race, religion, and ethnicity (and in most jurisdictions sexual orientation). There are some comments there replying to what I wrote above. So I've added this.
Some of the commenters have concluded that this was a proper termination based on claims that are not in article, namely that she was "rude" or lack "courtesy". I can just as well speculate that her supervisors were rude or lacked courtesy. What we do know is that she wasn't fired for that reason. Another point is that I think the bona fide claim that the lunchroom at a secular workplace where people of many religious faiths are employed is analogous to a home. I think the proper analogy is a restaurant where the public is present and anything is on the menu. Some in Amy's blog in fact suggested that Lina Morales should have known at the time of her hiring that ham on a pizza and a BLT were haram. This seems absurd to me given that what was discussed in the hiring interview was their policy of non-discrimination in hiring. Other blogs who agree with me on this issue: Allah in the House and Little Green Footballs posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:53 PM Permalink
List of St. Blogs Parish I have formatted the lists and they will be automatically generated. stblogs_autodiscovery_opml.xml is the result of using autodiscovery on the blogs. This is where you have LINK elements in the HEAD element to instruct applications like mine where there is a feed associated with the blog. stblogs_extract_opml.xml is the result of extracting elements in the body of the blogs where I'm guessing there is a link to a feed. This information is only relevant to people who have an interest in RSS, Atom, feeds, etc. and using tools like Sage/Firefox or RSSReader. There are many, many blogs which do not have feeds. The xml file for them is stblogs_feed_not_found.xml. This file is a plain xml file. I'd be interested in knowing if I've made a mistake like not including a autodiscovery feed in the first file, or a reference to a feed in the second file.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:34 PM Permalink
AP: Saudi School in Va. Draws Criticism The Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism is calling on the Islamic Saudi Academy to remove the textbook used to teach first-graders. The teachers' edition of the textbook outlines several points of emphasis, including the statement, “All religions other than Islam are false religions.” The Catholic Church teaches the other faiths do not possess the fullness of truth. I believe that in a real sense Islam and Judaism are false without scare quotes. As Catholics we do not win souls for Christ by carrying signs which read "My religion is true and your religion is false." This is contrary to common sense and evangelism. So I pray every day for understanding how to effectively present the truth of the Catholic faith without my certitude getting in the way. Either Jesus Christ is the Son of God or he isn't. There's no maybe. For a Muslim, there is no God but God and Mohammed is his prophet. The AP article is shocked to see assertions of truth and falsehood. It tells us something about how the AP views religion.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:56 PM Permalink
Real Time Alent Lucianne Goldberg, political blogger, is hosting prominent bloggers today -- check Laura Ingraham's web site for local or internet listening points.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:11 AM Permalink
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Irish Echo: Delayed justice angers NY archdiocese priests The cry of justice delayed being justice denied is a familiar refrain. But it hasn't often been heard in the context of priests directing anger and frustration at their cardinal archbishop or the Holy See in Rome.Lots of previously unreported details here. I especially worried about two issues the story raises:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:46 PM Permalink
Maggie Gallagher: Kerry and the Religion Thing For John Kerry, this religion thing is a problem. On the one hand, he wants to appeal to Dem elites who tend to be (let's face it) more secular than not. On the other hand, he doesn't want to offend the vast majority of voters who consider themselves religious folk, especially black and Hispanic Democrats.The rest of the article outlines all the faith fumbles that Kerry has had so far.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:39 PM Permalink
April 2003 George Weigel "Force of Law" and "Law of Force" for Dummies The juxtaposition of “the force of law and the law of force,” a trope that got established in the Catholic conversation months before armed force was used to enforce disarmament in Iraq, will likely be a prominent feature of the post-war Catholic debate. This began to pop up in the blogs recently as we ponder the next moves: Syria, Gaza, Iran, North Korea, and Sudan. So I recalled where I read about it months ago. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:55 PM Permalink
AP: Bad Guys Fight Worse Guys and Release Kidnap Victims. In an extraordinary assault, gunmen in the city of Fallujah stormed a kidnappers' lair and forced the overmatched militants inside to flee, freeing four Jordanian truck drivers held captive, local officials said Wednesday. A rocky road to the rule of law.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:44 PM Permalink
Knight-Ridder: Missouri votes to ban gay marriage; issue could help Bush in election Missourians voted by a lopsided 71 percent to 29 percent vote to amend their state constitution to define marriage as between a man and woman only.Thank you Missouri. 49 states to go.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:56 PM Permalink
Could it be this simple? I've heard the pundits say that "undecideds" typically vote against the incumbent because (as the pundits presume) they are quite familiar with the incumbent, and if they were inclined to vote for him or her that would have decided for the incumbent. I went looking for the hard data to support that reasoning and came up empty. I think a lot of people who don't share the Bush worldview (i.e. conservative) and have accepted the lies about Bush:
They are the fence-sitting ABB's Anyone But Bush. They are not terribly engaged in politics or watching cable news. I think rather than knowing too much about President Bush, they know to little about Senator Kerry. What kind of President would he be? As the undecideds look more and more at Kerry, I suspect that will not like what they see and might become reluctant Bush voters, or Nader voters, or just stay at home.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:53 PM Permalink
Catholic World News: Discussion of George Bush (paid sub. reqd.) Tantum Ergo I SUSPECT that history will not be kind to those Catholics who supported President George W. Bush.....just as history has not been kind to those German Catholics (and bishops as well of course) who supported Hitler. This is a VERY serious time for the United States. I am a patriot -- my family has been patriotic in the United Staes since they arrived in 1684. BUT I really fear President Bush. He is anti-abortion (as I am) but pro-death in just about every other way. Caveat emptor!My response Tantum Ergo. Bush is not "pro-death". If you want to have a debate about the justice of leaving Saddam Hussein in power in Iraq, then let's have that debate somewhere but spare us the demagoguery and labels. The editor who "approved" Tantum Ergo's post hasn't "approved" mine yet. It will be interesting to see if mine is posted (because Catholic World News is only approving about half of what I post) or if they just retro-moderate and delete TE's post.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:22 PM Permalink
Anti-Catholic Combinations I'm not fond of giving more traffic to anti-Catholic web sites, but this one merited examination. Born-Again Christian: Are Popes Infallible? Infallible Paedophiles? I don't know about you, but I'm fully aware that I'm not infallible. I make mistakes. I need my Saviour all the time, don't you? The Holy Bible declares that all of us are born sinful, wicked to the core, and only God is Perfect, His Name is The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the sole infallible person to have ever walked on earth. He combines the sexual abuse scandal with the what he calls the scandal of infallibility.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:45 AM Permalink
Speech of President George Bush before the Knights of Columbus Two months ago, I had the privilege of visiting His Holy Father Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. It was my third meeting with His Holy Father since I took office, and for those of you who have ever met him, you know I'm telling you the truth when I tell you being in his presence is an awesome experience. He is a true presence. On the occasion, I had the special honor of presenting him with America's highest civil award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It was my chance to express our nation's respect for a devoted servant of God and a true hero of our time.I didn't get to hear the speech live. I'll see if its going to on CSPAN anytime soon.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:35 AM Permalink
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Washington Post: Computers Weighing In On the Elements of Essay. Programs Critique Structure, Not Ideas (free reg reqd.)
Nadeem Sarwar remembered all the lessons on good writing drummed into him by his ninth-grade teacher at the Newport School in Montgomery County. So last summer when he took the GMAT, the standard entrance exam for business graduate schools, he was careful to be clear and organized, just as Janice Marcus had taught him. It's not clear from the article if this being done exclusively because it's cheaper.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:51 PM Permalink
Clash of Civilizations Watch Tech Central Station: The Battle of the Mosque "But the enemy is not just 'terrorism,' some generic evil. This vagueness blurs the strategy. The catastrophic threat at this moment in history is more specific. It is the threat posed by Islamist terrorism -- especially the al Qaeda network, its affiliates, and its ideology." 9-11 Commission Report, p. 379This paragraph from the 9/11 Commission Report should come as no surprise to TCS readers. It reinforces what many of my fellow columnists have been writing about the need to face squarely the role of Islamist ideology in the terrorist threat. An excellent review of what the commission report got right and what they got wrong on the subject of Islam.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:45 PM Permalink
Attention all you Intenet geeks and wizards. stblogs_autodiscovery_opml.xml is here This is an OPML file (outline processor markup language) of the blogs of St. Blogs Parish RingSurf WebRing which have associated feeds. It's like having a clickable directory into about 150 blogs. A blog is prepared with HTML. A feed is not directly written by the blog author but created in parallel as a way of better organizing the information in the blog and especially identifying when the blog has been updated. There are several popular formats: one is RSS and the the other is Atom. The RSS standard fragmented and Atom is a response to that fragmentation. I have both formats in my OPML file. The OPML file has been checked with Sage which is a plug-in for Mozilla Firefox (you will need version 1.2, earlier versions did not implement OPML correctly) and with RSS Reader. If the OPML is not valid with some other RSS Reader/Aggregator, please let me know the name of the tool. Note that I have no ability to resolve problems for Mac RSS applications. I can't answer specific questions about using feeds but I have put a lot of links into the terms above to help you get started if you are curious. Note to feed authors: If you have a feed and are part of the St. Blogs Parish Webring and don't see your feed into the list, please check your blog for the existence of a properly formatted LINK tag in the HEAD section and verify it conforms to the standard for feed autodiscovery. Finally, if none of this makes sense to you, don't worry. You can continue to read and write blogs unaware that all this exists. UPDATED: Thu Aug 5 15:21 I have changed the filenames which originally appeared here.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:34 PM Permalink
Now that the Democratic Convention is over Why would there be any undecided voters left? What are they waiting for? Another Kerry speech? Another Bush speech? What on earth is not known about these 2 men on August 3 that will become known on November 2, that's now exactly 90 days What can move an undecided to become decided? What can move a Catholic undecided to become decided? I know that a few of these undecideds are giving false answers to the pollsters -- they have made up their minds but have decided that it's no ones business who they are voting for so they answer "undecided". I'll see if there's any data out there or even annecdotes to answer the still-"undecided" question.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:26 AM Permalink
Monday, August 02, 2004
Jimmy Breslin discovers the Msgr. Woolsey story Newsday: A greater sin is the molesting of the money The priest, Joseph Baker, said they were having a tough time. He was standing outside the church of St. John the Martyr's rectory, which is on 71st Street, around the corner from the church. Here's another chapter in the decades-old Breslin-Donohue feud: Woolsey's church life fell apart on Thursday and his friend, William Donohue, president of the Catholic League, was at the church to announce that Woolsey was stepping down. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:50 PM Permalink
Insight into the "due process" given to accused priests National Catholic Reporter: Priest says case lacks due process In May 2002, New York Cardinal Edward Egan suspended Msgr. Charles Kavanagh as a priest of the archdiocese and pastor of St. Raymond’s Parish in the Bronx. The action was based on an allegation by a former seminarian, Daniel Donahue, that Kavanagh had been guilty of “improper conduct” 20 years ago. The allegation is credible, which led to the suspension of the priest. (And once again we see the "removed from public ministry" vs. "suspended" distinction) But the for next step -- does the Church require guilt beyond reasonable doubt?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:10 AM Permalink
Religion of Peace Watch Middle East Online: Iraqi leaders call for unity after church bombings Finger pointed at foreigners for masterminding murderous attacks I'm praying for dead and injured. This looks like a desparation move. I think it will serve to unite Iraq but who knows how that Islamist media will spin it?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:35 AM Permalink
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Island Packet: Cosby voices strong views (Muslims good, Christians bad)
Cosby also criticized Christians for not being as strong as Muslims when it comes to protecting their children, according to an article in the Island Packet newspaper.Alternate Link: Wall Street Journal (paid subs. reqd.) Bill, Bill, they have jihad and we don't. I passed the story link onto Matt Drudge, let's see if he mentions it tonight.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:25 PM Permalink
John Kerry: Proudly Humble Two things that irk me deeply are mendacity -- deliberate falsehoods only an ignoramus or a fool could actually believe as he speaks them -- and stubbornly offered invalid arguments -- arguments that don't prove their conclusions even if their premises are true, but that continue to be offered long after their invalidity has been demonstrated... I think what people find agreeable in Kerry's speech might be found in any good political speech of either party. After all the author of the quote Kerry used was a Republican. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:00 PM Permalink
John Kerry Hypocrisy Watch NewsMax: Kerry Edwards Nixed Wendy's, Feasted Instead on 5 Star Fare When John Kerry, John Edwards and their wives descended on a Newburgh, New York, Wendys on Friday for a 'lite" lunch with the common people, it was all just a photo op. If this was Bush-Cheney, you'd be reading about it above the fold in the New York Times.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:34 PM Permalink
Teresa Heinz Kerry on the Peace Corps To me, one of the best faces America has ever projected is the face of a Peace Corps volunteer. That face symbolizes this country: young, curious, brimming with idealism and hope - and a real, honest compassion. Those young people convey an idea of America that is all about - heart and creativity, generosity and confidence, a practical, can-do sense and a big, big smile. 1.4 million men and women are in the American armed forces. 7,000 men and women are serving as Peace Corps volunteers. That's 200 members of the armed forces for each PCV. I don't know of anyone who was both a Peace Corps Volunteer and a member of the armed forces. My own story is I was a Peace Corps volunteer then a patient recovering from malaria and some injuries for several months in Frankfurt at a United States Army Hospital. I lived in both worlds. The armed forces live as a community of Americans and share one mission: defending the United States. The Peace Corps is more about empowering Americans as individuals and small teams to project a positive image of the United States. Although Peace Corps volunteers risk death and injury, they do so as civilians and when the shooting starts they are evacuated. The personal qualities of a good solider, sailor, airman, or marine make a good Peace Corps Volunteer. In the context of when and when she was speaking Teresa Heinz Kerry should have recognized the service and sacrifice of the currently serving 1.4 million members of the armed forces as well as the 7,000 currently serving Peace Corps. No Peace Corps volunteer would say that among all Americans serving their country overseas that they are the "best". posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:01 PM Permalink
Recalling: "How great is the dignity of chaste wedlock" The tradional marriage is defined and defended here: the wife stays at home, and the husband is owed obedience. (I've added some formatted and emphasis.) "bent" as used below means "A tendency, disposition, or inclination". There were no footnotes in the text I've quoted. This is a little background for Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World" by Cardinal Ratzinger. Pius XI (12/31/1930) "Casti Connubi" 74. The same false teachers who try to dim the luster of conjugal faith and purity do not scruple to do away with the honorable and trusting obedience which the woman owes to the man. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:49 PM Permalink