extreme Catholic
Friday, August 05, 2005
Blogger inversion: agreement with Alan Dershowitz on the Vatican's non-mention of Israel as a victim of terrorism The Vatican's Terrorism Omission : FrontPage ...[The Vatican] singled out Israel for criticism, saying that that beleaguered nation’s responses to attacks against its civilians was “not always compatible with the rules of international law.” It then went on to say that the Vatican could not protest every Palestinian attack against Jewish civilians if Israel did not always follow international law. Blogger Credit to: Mystery Achievement It's the double standard: every Muslim country gets a free pass on their rejection of international law, Israel is held to a higher standard. Israel makes real concessions like withdrawing from Gaza while getting nothing but empty promises in return.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:14 PM Permalink
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: unequivocal condemnation from the American Bishops U.S. Bishops Mark Anniversary of Atomic Bombings, Reaffirm Condemnation of 'Total War' - has the full text of the statement. No matter how noble the ends of a war may be, they cannot justify employing means or weapons that fail to discriminate between noncombatants and combatants. As the Second Vatican Council declared, "Every act of war directed to the indiscriminate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with their inhabitants is a crime against God and man, which merits firm and unequivocal condemnation." (Gaudium et Spes, no. 80) Also discussed in Catholic World News. where I commented (edited from its original form): Does anyone recall a letter sent by the Japanese Bishop's Conference to the United States with their unequivocal condemnation of "indiscriminate destruction and death to civilians and soldiers alike" on the 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 2001? Are the bishops suggesting that we should have surrendered in 1941 or that in 1945 we negotiate a ceasefire that would allow Tojo to remain Prime Minister? What is their peace plan for 1945? To slowly starve the Japanese people with a nonviolent naval blockade? It's odd to condemn the dead leaders of the United States for a great moral evil of 60 years ago when they are silent on today's slaughter of the unborn for which living American leaders, among them Catholics, are responsible. Victory is achieved in a war only when the other side concedes defeat. Any suspension of hostilities would only allow the Japanese government to retool and accumulate more soldiers and weapons. How to make the Japanese War Cabinet concede defeat? is the critical question. Arguments that rely on American knowledge or estimates or Soviet knowledge or estimates are irrelevant. What matters is what Japan thought about their own ability to make the Americans pay such a high cost to defeat them that they would seek a negotiated peace. The Japanese were willing to pay a high price indeed: on Iwo Jima only 200 of the 21,000 of the Japanese garrison survived. The rest were killed, wounded, captured, or missing. The American cost was 6821 killed and 20,000 wounded. Both Japanese and American commanders extrapolated the numbers to invasion of the Japanese mainland. The other alternatives to invasion are just as deadly: In brief, they are bomb them to the stone age with conventional bombs and let the Soviets absorb 250,000 casualities and allow them repeat what they did to Germany in Japan. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:09 PM Permalink
Why philosophy professors are not held in high esteem They write Robbing PETA to Spay Paul: Do Animal Rights Include Reproductive Rights? forthcoming in Between the Species. Colorado University while the rest of us wonder if we will be given nutrition or hydration when we are no longer able to swallow. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:40 PM Permalink
Hiroshima 60 Thank God we got the bomb before Hitler or Tojo. Thank God we didn't have to invade Japan and take hundreds of thousands of casualities and in the process kill millions of Japanese combatants and civilians.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:06 PM Permalink
Thursday, August 04, 2005
On the other side of the subway turnstile My bags were not checked today. It would have been interesting since I was collecting stuff on Islam, the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II, and what was passed from the native American culture to the European-American culture in British North America and later, the United States. On the other side, a young woman with leaflets shouting "Stop Dick Cheney's Secret Plan to Invade Iraq." I answered her: "I agree. Syria first." posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:56 PM Permalink
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Analysis: The big picture behind the Vatican spat : Jerusalem Post My summary: Israel watched for several years how the Vatican ignored terrorism directed at Israel. With the election of a new pope, it was now opportune for Israel to show that the status quo would no longer be accepted. Making the complaint on the July 12 Netanya suicide bombing was that start. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:32 PM Permalink
A 42-year-old teacher at a Catholic school who was charged with rape for allegedly having sex with an underage male student posted a $20,000 bond Tuesday and was released from jail.John Aretakis has been mentioned before in this blog. He has represented many victims of sexual abuse in the Albany diocese. Other articles discuss the double standard when it comes to treating male perpetrators differently from female perpetrators. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:20 PM Permalink
Follow-up on vandalism to statue of St. Anne After Saints Preserve Us, She Returns the Favor : NY Times George Ferrandi has seen saints at their worst - stained by lipstick, burned, cracked and faded - and with skilled hands and the tools of her trade, she skillfully restores them. She gives them a makeover and has built a career out of it. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:33 PM Permalink
Monday, August 01, 2005
I'm blogging on what in New York is major news: Pataki is doing something about something. The lies start with: (1) Artificial contraception (although "artificial" is often dropped as it is implied) is good while abortion is bad. The truth is artificial contraception is a violation of natural law as well as abortion (the killing of the unborn). (2) Lie: So-called emergency contraceptives prevent conception. Although there's a little more honesty among the promoters now, it's clear that they are designed to prevent implantation. They make the uterus a toxic environment to the unborn child (aka human zygote). (3) Lie: Pregancy commences after implantation triggers detectable horomone changes in the mother. In this lexicon they don't have a word to describe a woman carrying in her body a non-implanted unborn child (aka human zygote). (4) Lie: Emergency contraceptives need to be available over the counter to minors. These are drugs which have dangerous side effects. We've raised the mimium drinking age in New York to 21. It seems to be a different set of rules when it applies to sex. (5) Lie: Emergency contraceptives prevent abortions. This is a lie if you accept that life begins at fertilization. Scientifically, this is the point where a unique individual of the human species takes on a form for which the design is immutable from this point forward. Pataki spokesman Kevin Quinn had said Sunday night the governor was prepared to veto what he called the "politically expedient" legislation primarily because it "fails to include any commonsense protections for minors." (Newsday) Yeah, it's a politically motivated veto, but a good politically motivated veto. Pataki has stated that he will not run for a fourth term in 2006 and it is speculated that he might run for the Presidential nomination. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:15 PM Permalink
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Cell Phones (1) Why is the sound quality always so poor and is it ever going to get better? (2) Why are terrorists continuing to use cellphones going to contact each other? Are they ever going to wise up? posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:00 AM Permalink