Mom wants twin fetuses recognized as children: Boston Herald
A Vermont woman whose 6-month-old twin fetuses died after a car crashed into the family van wants them to be legally recognized as children, which is not the case under current state law.
Think of laws which hold harmless the death of an unborn child in circumstances which otherwise would be homicide if the child were born as a protective moat outside of fortress abortion which must be crossed eventually.
Such laws are rightly feared by pro-aborts because it causes people who haven't been paying attention to look up and see the slippery slope that has been descended.
Labels: abortion
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 6:22 PM
Catholic America: A closer look at Church, Culture and Change: Washington Post
By Anthony Stevens-Arroyo
Is It a Sin to Listen to Rush?
At this point of the 21st Century, Rush Limbaugh occupies a unique place. Locating him on the radio dial, however, is easier than identifying whether he is head of the Republican Party, news broadcaster, or entertainer. That ambiguity raises the question: Is it a sin to listen to Rush?
The column could be called
Alinsky's America:
5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. His evidence of Rush's racism, sexism, etc. is nonsense. Anthony isn't informing us about any aspect of Rush's bio we didn't already know. The blogger is only demonstrating his own hypocrisy. Rush's real crime is fidelity to conservative principles and outstanding success as a broadcaster. God bless you, Rush.
Labels: catholic, politics
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 9:20 PM
I am attempting to find the orgin of this image, but enjoy it in the present moment.

Labels: blashemy, obama
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 9:03 PM