extreme Catholic
Saturday, November 01, 2003
New York Daily News: The God Squad - Flasher-busting Catholic school girls Today's lesson: Don't mess with the girls from St. Maria Goretti High School in Philly.I'd buy that video.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:52 PM Permalink
Slate: Does the Vatican have exclusive rights to the word "Catholic"? They say the pope's infallible, but does he also hold a trademark on the word "Catholic"? Readers of a dispatch from the Associated Press last month might well have wondered. The story reported that "a lawsuit filed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta accuses a network of Spanish-speaking churches of falsely claiming to be Catholic." This is rather silly. It's embodied in the freedom of religion that Churches have recourse when fraud is attempted against them. The form of that protection generally is in the legal form that the diocese takes in each jurisdiction. This pops up all over the place. There's a another "Catholic Church" called "The Catholic Apostolic Church in North America™" which is located near me posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:08 AM Permalink
Friday, October 31, 2003
Some people are so 19th Century A century ago, the Catholic Church was officially anti-Zionist and the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Holy Land. This is not your great-great-grandfathers times: The Catholic Church recognizes Israel and its right to exist as a Jewish state. It is the status of the so-called occupied territories of the 1967 war, most of which Jordan claimed at that time and then officially disclaimed them. One can no longer claim that the Vatican does not reconize Israel's right to exist. The exchange of nuncio and ambassador proves it. You can knock on the door of the nunciature in Tel Aviv (not Jerusalem) to find out. Christian History context for the declaration. and hmm.... it is nowhere to be found on www.vatican.va
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:48 PM Permalink
Bishop Reilly is shocked. I wish Bishop Reilly well on his recovery from his recent coma, because that is the only way to explain his failure to notice that his comments were spun by the media as full support of equal rights for gays. I have constructed this Google view that can inform you of the way things were on Thursday October 23, 2003.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:41 PM Permalink
KTVA Anchorage: Archdiocese Abuse Report As many as 16 priests serving in the Catholic Archdiocese of Anchorage have committed sexual misconduct. The results of a special commission report are released, detailing misconduct since the beginning of the Archdiocese in 1966. The Erwin Commission committee, made up of three people, completed the difficult task of reviewing all files of more than 80 priests who have served in the Archdiocese. The result of their nine month investigation was made public Wednesday. Let's do the math: 16/81 = 20%, 16/89 = 18%. That is a shockingly high number for an adult male population. Another thing that's disturbing is that the bishops have taken a legalistic approach to the number of priests and a ambiguity to the label "misconduct". Sexual misconduct, to me, a Catholic laymen, would mean any violation of the rule of celibacy. This would include a lot of acts which are, strictly speaking, legal were the man not a priest. This would include consensual sexual acts with men or women of any kind, provided they were of legal age. You're thinking "extreme, how would the bishop know of those?" In cases where the priest's lover had a husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend there might be a complaint. There might be an alert to the bishop from a neighbor, co-worker, a random parishioner who would come to have the knowledge of consensual sexual activity. The term I would prefer to describe sexual misconduct which could be prosecuted as a crime is "criminal sexual activity". I'm left wondering how much non-criminal sexual activity was uncovered in the investigation and what consequences there are to the priest for this. I'm also not sure if there's a point to naming the priest. You can be sure that the bishop considers this to be none of your business or mine. On the other hand, most of the contact I have with bishop is around reasons why he needs more trust and support from the faithful. It would be reassuring to know that the bishop doesn't limit his wrath to crime alone but is genuinely concerned with the sin.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:35 AM Permalink
On this eve of the Feast of All Saint's Day what is going on at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine and the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion? 6. Go to a cathedral ... St. John the Divine hosts its annual Halloween Extravaganza and Procession of Ghouls at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. tomorrow. The event kicks off with the 1920 silent film classic "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," followed by a procession of fabulous puppets, creatures and special effects. Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street, $15 adults, $8 students and seniors; call (212) 662-2133 or CityTix (212) 581-1212. 7. ... or a deconsecrated church The former Sixth Avenue church formerly known as Limelight - now home to Avalon - makes a natural setting for a spooky Halloween party, fueled with house, hip-hop and reggae classics. Avalon, 660 Sixth Ave. at 20th Street, (212) 807-7780, $30. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:28 AM Permalink
Thursday, October 30, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:50 PM Permalink
New York Daily News Zev Chafets: W ducks real nature of the war U.S. is in Part of the problem derives from what Bush would call fuzzy language. He insists on talking about "the war on terror." But terrorism is a technique, not an enemy, and you don't make war on a technique. You make war on enemies.via Rod Dreher posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:44 PM Permalink
News Interactive: Pope's Jubilee Cross found in dump Italy's Roman Catholic hierarchy faced intense embarrassment today after a cross used by the pope to celebrate the Church's Jubilee year was found abandoned in a rubbish dump. Connect this story with the one below on the removal of the crucifix from a classroom in Italy.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:59 PM Permalink
Amy v. Andrew One, two, three, four, I declare a blogwar! posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:28 PM Permalink
Amy Welborn of the Open Book has also blogged on the Italian crucifix caper. I've added my comment there here as I blogged on it below as well. We've developed the phrase "ceremonial deism" in the United States when referring to God in announcements, oaths, coin and currency, etc. It's (mostly) tolerated precisely because it is empty of the expression of faith. It reminds me of the line spoken by Bluto in Animal House: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Is Christianity "over" in Italy? No until Christian Italians say it is? Do Italians of the current generation care to get their (few) babies baptized?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:42 PM Permalink
Washington Times: Saddam responsible for WMD confusion Jonah Goldberg explains the WMD blame game with this analogy: Look at it this way. Imagine you're a cop. You've chased down a known felon and violent criminal who you have every reason to believe is in possession of a gun. You say, "Put your hands up!" And instead he plays games, keeping his hands behind his back. You say, "Let me see your hands" and he shows you them one at a time, like a little kid playing keep-away. Finally, you say, "Look, if you don't cooperate there are going to be some serious consequences; I'm going to make you cooperate." Sound familiar? It's been blogged before. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:26 PM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:52 AM Permalink
Liberals are squealing "Conservative are winning because it's not a fair fight" Why do conservatives appear to be so much better at framing?You've got to be kidding.... Justice Lewis Powell as the Overlord of the 1970's Conservative Movement? He voted for Roe v. Wade. No one lists Powell as a conservative champion. No one. He was a disappointment to Nixon who appointed him.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:39 AM Permalink
Chariots of the Gods Theme Park Open swissinfo: Theme park investigates mysteries of the world Assorted atheists, neo-pagans, and credulous are given another place of pilgrimage.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:49 AM Permalink
Called to be a bishop? Nay. Called to be a gay bishop: Knight-Ridder News Service: First openly gay bishop says God called on him But today, Robinson tells people God has called him "to acknowledge myself as a gay man." The earlier advocacy of the episcopacy of Rev. Robinson on that simple basis that he was a really great Anglican priest is now formally disavowed.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:42 AM Permalink
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:59 PM Permalink
A message from the Seneca Nation An new advertising campaign has started to remind us New Yorkers that we can't tax the native Americans. The site is Honor Indian Treaties. These old treaties still have the force of law and their claim is that they are immune to state taxes. The ads which you can play on your own desktop, have a solemn tone to them: the law of the land...violated Newsday has the opposing view from a group called Fair Application of Cigarette Tax (FACT). Here's a strange observation: it pits the Native Americans (Indians) against gas station and convenience store owners (a significant number of whom are Indians and Pakistanis).
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:22 PM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:23 AM Permalink
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:11 AM Permalink
Mepham Update: Newsday: Battle of the Protests Anti-gay sect, locals face off at Mepham Surprised that there was no local support on Long Island for Phelps, not one. In New York we're used to Phelps showing up to protest. He's an embarassment, so much so that he hurts his own side. I don't know if it's vanity or sincere.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:01 AM Permalink
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Fairfield (CT) Hour: Voice of the Faithful "You share the calling of the mystic knights to search for and restore the grail that is the sacramental life of the church by restoring its integrity, wholeness, healthiness and holiness" And I roll my 20-sided die and obtain a spell of "lust" to use against the clerics. Call me "Perceval".
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:16 AM Permalink
ROME, Oct. 26 -- A judge's decision Saturday to order the removal of a crucifix from the wall of a single classroom has set off a storm of debate and recrimination in Italy. I see parallels between this and our our Pledge case ("under God" as establishment of religion). I think they over-reached. It is shows us for the 10th or 11th time a European anti-Christian alliance: atheists and Muslims who want to remove all signs of the presence of Christianity from Europe ( Charles Martel, call your office) The two (apparently) strongest worldviews are picking on the weakest in the clash of civilizations. Hoping when the time comes for their own confrontation, they will be stronger and the opposition weaker. (like Germany's pact with the Soviet Union in 1939 to pick off Poland and her allies.) The answer lies in the Italian people. I have real doubts about them. When push came to shove to defend the Papal States from 1848 to 1870, they sat on their hands or supported the monarchy. Only the external interventions from France and Austria maintained the Papal States during that period. The atheists may be part of a long-standing conspiracy as well. In my own reading of history I've come to believe in committed anti-Catholics at work in Italy under various labels as Masons, Communists, Fascists. Muslims will not be content with this victory but maintain the pressure using religious freedom to maximum advantage to promote Islam and and minimize the influence of Christianity. Wake up, Catholics of Italy.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:48 AM Permalink
Monday, October 27, 2003
Tech Central Station has Glenn Reynolds on why blogs are the CB radios of the moment.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:36 PM Permalink
Yahoo sells the bobblehead Jesus and Mary. You can decide if it is blasphemous or not. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:56 PM Permalink
Another Terri Schindler-Schiavo thought One of the novelities in this case has been the media's accommdation of the husband, Michael Schiavo. The usual presumption, that husbands cannot possibly represent the best interests of a wife is positively celebrated here. Think of all the cases where a husband's judgment is dismissed by the courts or mocked in popular culture. Some of the most radical pro-death positions are taunting our side with: "You conservatives -- You're always asking everyone for recognition of primacy of the marital bond -- and here we are presented with a assertion that the husband should determine the best interests of his incapacitated wife and you are critical." I think it would be obvious to everyone that MS has not fulfilled his duty as a guardian and it's a mystery to me why the legal action to remove him has not been successful. Another one of the "strange new respect" events was when an ex-husband prevailed in having frozen unborn human beings -- his embryonic children -- destroyed because he didn't wish to become a "parent" -- even though this was his intent at the time he allowed his semen to be used. The details are in this BBC story.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:45 AM Permalink
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Why God owes Sodom an apology if he doesn't eradicate New York in kind. Associated Press: 450 female nudes in Grand Central after hours and 4 blocks away from our prayer vigil outside an abortion clinic (see below). posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:00 PM Permalink
I'd like to thank... I knew Jack McKeon manager of the World Championship Florida Marlins was a devout Catholic, I didn't know he'd mention Saint Theresa in his first statement to the press after winning over the Yankees.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:04 AM Permalink