extreme Catholic
Friday, June 27, 2003
No captions or links for now. But there is a great Catholic connection
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:53 PM Permalink ![]()
Changed my mind on human cloning (conditionally) If we could get copies of Justices Scalia and Thomas to occupy vacating seats on the Supreme Court. And let's get 60 Republicans into Senate in 2004.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:24 AM Permalink ![]()
The New Catholic Politician Russell Shaw is the Washington correspondent for Our Sunday Visitor. His current article on Al Smith is not online. But the cover asks the question: Where are the Catholic politicians like Al Smith today? Al Smith made no apologies for being Catholic. He didn't make the famous JFK "my life is compartmentalized. my religion is practiced for one hour per week" statement to appeal to anti-Catholic bigots. Smith didn't win. On the other hand, if Smith did win, the Great Depression would have been blamed on him, and possibly on all Catholics. Matt Drudge gives us a link to this story of one of the descendents of the most famous of all Catholic political families.
Washington Post: The Reliable Source Update: Jonah Goldberg at NRO Corner just blogged this as well. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:27 AM Permalink ![]()
Apology No, not a defense of the truth of the Catholic Faith through reason, but An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. My ISP Time Warner Cable/Road Runner is having problems that I see at my prime blogging hours 10PM-12AM.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:05 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Defending the Faith at the Franciscan University at Steubenville I'll be there. Look for the guy who looks like the guy in the 2003 picture without the helmet and his moustache trimmed for the summer. Register here. July 18, 19, 20
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:53 PM Permalink ![]()
The biggest problem the Church faces ...is the spiritual development of children. The new priest and the new lay catechist have to roll up their sleeves now and look at the legacy of terrible formation of Catholics since 1970. I was confirmed in 1966 so I missed the collapse, the implosion. When I became aware there was problem in the late 80's when my own kids were first encountering religious education. What a shock. Fortunately, others were already pushing for real reform in this area which achieved a great victory with the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church which owes its existence to Cardinals Law and Ratzinger. For reading more about it, see my Amazon Listmania list: Reform of How the Catholic Faith is taught I've been a catechist for 10 years in the Diocese of Brooklyn. So I look forward to being part of the solution and not part of the problem.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:41 PM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
What would happen if... ...there was a Brazilian anti-American talk show host who wanted to contact a like-minded Iraqi on ICQ.... ...but instead of reaching a real Saddam supporter in Iraq, he hooks up with a real American who spoofed ICQ by entering Iraq as his country in signing up for ICQ... You'd get this result. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:31 PM Permalink ![]()
Searching for the Real Reasons It seems like it happenned in a flash. Except for abortion and porn, the Vatican could look to the United States as a place that had a growing Catholic population, good Mass attendence, financial support for the rest of the Church, and ultimately a spiritually hopeful place. Now we're the ones committing a "crime" by enforcing the disarmament of Iraq which is cooperating:
Vatican Radio commented Monday [3/3] Iraq had begun destroying armaments, and had thus shown a "clear will to cooperate." Vatican Worldview:
How did the Vatican arrive at this worldview? (in no particular order)
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:31 PM Permalink ![]()
Crosswalk: Baptist insights on Just War Another perspective on Just War. It's sola scriptura -- no St. Augustine or St. Thomas Aquinas here. Also, I don't agree with the distinction made regarding a just war and a moral war, but it's worth a look.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:31 PM Permalink ![]()
Associated Press: Drunken Student Falls to His Death PITTSBURGH - A drunken college student fell 25 feet to his death from a church catwalk after drinking at a cookout at the church. More bad news -- it seems today a search for "Catholic" is turning up some terrible stuff. What's with college-aged men living at the Church? Can't they support themselves or get their own families to give them a place to live?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:44 PM Permalink ![]()
New York Post: Dead Bronx High School Baby is Ruled a Homicide The death of a newborn boy in a bathroom of a Bronx Catholic high school was ruled a homicide yesterday, authorities said. The baby was born April 4 to a 16-year-old student at Cardinal Spellman HS in the nurse's office bathroom, the Medical Examiner's Office said. The police know the identity of the mother. The diocese, the school, and I have no comment.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:18 AM Permalink ![]()
New York Post: Church 'killer' tries evil-imposter defense Accused church gunman Peter Troy stunned a Long Island jury yesterday by claiming a neighbor killed a priest and a parishioner after disguising himself to look like Troy and stealing his credit card to buy a rifle. Peter Troy is accused of killing Fr. Lawrence Penzes and Eileen Tosner, a parishioner in the middle of a Mass on March 12, 2002 in Our Lady of Peace Church in Lynbrook Long Island. He failed to convince a judge that he was mentally ill so his strategy has been to act in a bizarre manner throughout the trial to convince the jury. UPDATE: A verdict of guilty was returned. Although the state of New York has a death penalty, it was not sought in the case because the victims were Catholics opposed to the death penalty.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:12 AM Permalink ![]()
New York Post: Caesar renders $1.5 million unto [former] nun
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:56 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, June 23, 2003
New York Times: Healer Bishops Are Sent to Ease Churches' Pain by Laurie Goodstein ST. LOUIS, June 21 — Seventeen years ago, the Vatican dispatched a 53-year-old New York priest named Harry J. Flynn to take over as bishop in a Louisiana diocese. His assignment was to rescue the faith of the Roman Catholics there whose children had been sexually violated by the Rev. Gilbert Gauthe, in the first nationally notorious case of a pedophile priest.Ms. Goodstein has good things to say about Archbishop Flynn in spite of relying on the Catholics she prefers to quote: Rev. Thomas Reese (Laurie omits the "SJ"), and Sandy Simonson of Voice of the Faithful (should I be adding a "so-called" or "self-described" to VOTF?). Missing from the list of "fixer bishops" are two names that I would include: Bishop Donald Wuerl and Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap. My brother who lives in Minneapolis expects that Archbishop Harry Flynn will be assigned to Boston.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:34 PM Permalink ![]()
Glaser's Guide to the Blogosphere Online Journalism Review 6.19.2003 An attempt to map the most influential blogs. I read a lot of the ones on the conservative side and quite a few on the liberal side. It took me a while to see that icon was supposed to be an open mouth.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:01 PM Permalink ![]()
Newsmax: Mel Gibson's Passion Won't Harm Jews by Rev. Michael Reilly Gibson's film is an attempt to present the last 12 hours of Jesus' life as accurately as possible, using Aramaic and Latin with no subtitles. Written by a priest in the Archdiocese of New York. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:48 PM Permalink ![]()
The New Criterion: From the evil empire to the empire for liberty by Paul Johnson ...But it is worth recalling that up to 1860 “empire” was not a term of abuse in the United States. George Washington himself spoke of “the rising American Empire.” Jefferson, aware of the dilemma, claimed that America was “an Empire for liberty.” That is what America is becoming again, in fact if not in name. America’s search for the security against terrorism and rogue states goes hand in hand with liberating their oppressed peoples. From the Evil Empire to an Empire for Liberty is a giant step, a contrast as great as the appalling images of the wasted twentieth century and the brightening dawn of the twenty-first. But America has the musculature and the will to take giant steps, as it has shown in the past.That's the conclusion of a most excellent article on the American Empire and what it is facing today. It's the reason why the Euro-whiners are whining: So far, the American Empire is on the right track.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:44 PM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, June 22, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:39 PM Permalink ![]()
UK Mirror: Saintly beauty pageant is thanks to God ROME (Reuters) - Praise the Lord for sexy girls! A priest with too much time on his hands.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:10 PM Permalink ![]()
I'm not a populist Democrat, although I play one when the cameras are turned on Washington Post: Privilege and Populism: A Parable A United States senator doesn't go unnoticed when he pulls rank in public. So when populist Democrat Tom Harkin jumped a snaking security line of less exalted passengers at Reagan National Airport on Friday to make his flight home to Iowa, it was only a matter of minutes before someone dropped a dime. You've got to wonder if this would have been the headline all over the media matrix had this been Karl Rove or Rick Santorum.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:05 PM Permalink ![]()
NY Post: Tyson Punchout Short-fused Iron Mike Tyson was charged with assault yesterday after a bloody hotel brawl in which the furious fistman knocked out a heckler and sent another man and woman who hassled him to the hospital, officials said. The headline story in the New York papers was Mike Tyson going after couple in the hotel. All of the basic facts are in dispute, but this, being the 21st Century, every moment of it was under video suveilance. Tyson's first heavyweight championship in 1986 at the age of 20 made people think the he might go to be the greatest boxer of all time. Tyson also served 3 years for rape in 1991 and 3 months for assault in 1999. Someone on talk radio said that his trainer should be held "criminally liable" for "letting this animal develop those killing skills". The host said that Tyson was responsible for his own actions. The question is "Does Tyson believe he is resposible for Tyson's actions"?.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Get Educated on the Definition of Marriage Amendment FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT (H.J.Res. 56) Folks, this is it. The Alliance for Marriage (AFM) is the political organization that's trying to get this passed. The National Catholic Register had this article when it was introduced last year "Love and fidelity are indispensable virtues in any human relationship," said Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, archbishop of Philadelphia. "Marriage, however, is defined as the exclusive relationship of one man and one woman. This definition is non-negotiable and irrevocable," the archbishop said. The expectation is that Massachusetts in the United States will be the first state to legally recognize gay marriage, as usual it will be decided in the juidical branch of government.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:09 PM Permalink ![]()