extreme Catholic
Saturday, December 18, 2004
The Amber Alert Was Refused Newborn rescued as fetus snatcher kills mom: New York Post
Complicating the case was a glitch in Missouri's Amber Alert system, which Espey said kept him from widely spreading word that someone had kidnapped a newborn. News accounts continue to describe this living baby girl as a "fetus". I wonder what they are waiting for as the transition to call her a baby. It was bizarre to hear television and radio accounts and read internet accounts of a living, breathing, human baby referred to as fetus. My explanation is that we're accustomed to hear of these invasions of the womb in the context of legal abortion. What happened here is what I call the anti-abortion: The mother died and the daughter lived after the slaughter was over. Why this is called a "murder" and the opposite action is called "a woman's health care choice" is going to become part of how we think of abortion in the future. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:14 PM Permalink ![]()
Must be a pony in here somewhere: The Paragraph Farmer I didn't read the Newsweek Christmas issue, but Patrick O'Hannigan did. And he presents a fisk of it which is worth reading on its own. Credit: Amy Welborn.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:48 PM Permalink ![]()
Tipster, computer helped find missing infant: CNN http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/12/18/missouri.fetus/ There's a pro-life message in the story of the murder Bobbie Jo Stinnet and the living but unnamed child. Lisa Montgomery has confessed to the pre-meditated strangulation of the mother. It was the anti-abortion: The innocent mother was intentionally killed and the baby girl was alive. But was it a baby girl or a fetus? At what point did the unborn child cease being allowed to be killed by abortion law? I guess the question would be regarded by an abortion advocate that it would be a meaningless question, after all, because it was the Lisa Montgomery's choice and not Bobbie Jo Stinnet's. Perhaps it was in the moment the cord was cut.
This tragedy puts a spotlight on the fact that post-viability children are being killed anyway in abortion. The CNN link is "missouri.fetus", the headline is "missing infant".
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:54 PM Permalink ![]()
Thomas More Law Center: Town Prohibits Nativity Display Fox News with video (very interesting) This story contains the fabulous claim that the Menorah is not a religious symbol while the Nativity scene is. The bonus is the town's position is that the Catholic should be content with "snowflakes".
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Friday, December 17, 2004
"You will have no teeth left in your mouth if you have an attitude with me again" New Jersey Nun is fired over Punch Line: New York Post A New Jersey nun has been fired for allegedly threatening to discipline a mouthy sixth-grader by knocking out his teeth. I think that if my father found out that I spoke to a nun in a disrepectful tone when I was caught doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing, he'd carry out the threat and knock my teeth out. But this isn't 1964, it's 2004. Besides being fired, she faces a charge of harassment in s local court for this. Reading between the lines, I think the school fired her as a way of placating the parents who I'm guessing threatened to sue the school as well as the teacher were she not fired. It's for reasons like this that I support parochial school teachers having a union. Other accounts have the expression "knuckle sandwich" to explain the threat. Google has many other accounts. Central New Jersey Home News Tribune expresses how I feel. Sister Catherine went over the line on this one, given the lack of support that teachers have from parents. But firing her is too severe a penalty for a first instance of this. It certainly sends a signal to students that teachers are limited not only in physical punishment but in their verbal warnings. Perhaps Sister Catherine should have just suspended the kid on the spot.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:55 PM Permalink ![]()
Long-term Kerik fallout As a Catholic political it looks that I'm obligated to stay on this story as long as it lasts. I don't say that this ends Rudy's chances, but it certainly erases the debt that the national Republicans owed to him for his support of Bush and the party. paid in full
This is an interesting new spin that I caught in the New York Post Page Six and was blogged by Kathryn Jean Lopez in NRO Corner The biggest loser in the ruination of Bernie Kerik — besides Kerik himself — could be state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. When Kerik was picked by President Bush to be Homeland Security chief, it looked like a positive for his mentor Rudy Giuliani, who had promoted Kerik from chauffeur to police commissioner. But then Kerik had to withdraw. And the daily revelations — about Kerik's illegal nanny, his multiple mistresses and unsavory business dealings — are increasingly damaging to Giuliani's dream of running for president in 2008. As the discussion continued in NRO, the view on Rudy was grim. I think Rudy should run to oppose Hillary. Rudy's support of partial-birth abortion would make me a "anyone-but-Rudy" supporter in the Republican primary. I can't imagine any appointed position that would be a good fit for the former mayor so running for Senator against Hillary Governor aganist Spitzer, both in 2006. Kerik didn't file some disclosure forms at the time he became Corrections Commissioner. I think his current job at the time was NYPD Detective which a job covered by union rules.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:36 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:41 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Objections to Christmas Decorations. Check out by whom and against whom. U.S. Mission Ignores Cuban Warning Over Christmas Decorations: AP U.S. diplomats on Wednesday ignored a warning from the Cuban government to immediately take down Christmas decorations outside its offices or face unspecified consequences.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:11 PM Permalink ![]()
As Close to the Garden of Eden as You Can Get in This World in Our Time To be comfortably wealthy in Southern California, to be married to a beautiful woman who loves you and has your baby growing inside her. How can God's grace make this earthly life any more pleasant? This is where original sin connects to the personal sin of Scott Peterson: We project pride and ingratitude onto him for his rejection of life and love: His life, his wife's life, his child's life. If we put the man who steals a loaf of bread to save his starving child on one end of the scale of evil and the betrayal of Jesus on the other end. I put the double murder of Scott Peterson close to Judas at the frozen core of Hell in Dante's framework.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:24 AM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
SPQR et Unam, Sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam and the Death Penalty
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:51 PM Permalink ![]()
Monday, December 13, 2004
What a slow weekend for news. I know that everyone including me is prepping for Christmas and doing special Advent things so I expected a slower-than-usual news weekend. It was a lazier than usual weekend for the news channels. Going into the weekend I'm guessing they were hoping for a decision on the death penalty for Scott Petersen so they beat the dead horse of Bernard Kerik's nomination. I thought my blog on this would be that there's no news here, but Michelle Malkin has interesting stuff on her blog on Kerik. Kerik should have come clean during the disucssions with the White House on every detail of his life. Holding stuff back, hoping it wouldn't get out was a very dumb idea. Something Michelle doesn't mention is that like the boyfriends of "gay American" Jim McGreevey, disgraced former governor of New Jersey, and Cristyne Lategano, the mistress of Rudy Giuliani, as well as the Kerik "issues" -- they were known for a long time to the press (i.e. MSM) and some new media types as well. The new media held back because it lacked a smoking gun. The MSM likes to have leverage over public figures so that they can bend the rules in their favor with the threat to expose a story like this.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:07 AM Permalink ![]()
What are they thinking over at AOL? As part of its reincarnation, America Online Inc. is creating its own software for browsing the Web and playing movies and songs. It's a question of staying relevant in an increasingly broadband world. Didn't they acquire a company to do just that a few years back and then allowed it to self-destruct? Just Google Netscape.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:30 AM Permalink ![]()
Nativity Scene Vandalism Reports Itv reports that the Nativity scene in celebrity wax figures was vandalized as well.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:25 AM Permalink ![]()