extreme Catholic
Friday, August 08, 2003
Rush Limbaugh doesn't get it Of all the hot news items today he could talk about, Rush Limbaugh engaged in a bit of vanity by reading from a thoroughly incompentent comment on blogs. The Hill, Dr. David Hill: Bloggers won’t match Limbaugh Well, you can read the rest on your own. Are we to believe that Rush actually reads cover to cover all the news sources he quotes from? No, he's got a staff to do that now. Rush was getting on his high horse. My news-oriented blog is put together like Matt Drudge or Rush's own show. Review the news sources (print, radio, and internet for me) and write about what's interesting to me and what's obscure and may be overlooked. Hill totally misses the phenomenon that blogs work to create a news buzz in a collective sense. I download a lot of stuff but the major media outlets are themselves reading the blogs and looking for new angles and opinions. So some of my stuff gets uploaded and digested and that's good for the blogosphere and good for old media as well. Rush himself discusses stuff that has only been blogged and not in the Associated Press newswire or sourced from traditional media. What's so strange for Rush's comment is that he wants to align himself with "Old Media" (think the "objectivity" of NBC's News' perky Katie Couric and the "credibility" of Jason Blair's New York Times. Rush you are one of us. You are reading Drudge Report and National Review Online. I got into blogging because I wanted to share with people like me stories that I found interesting online. In fact, in my own way I think I imitiate some of Rush's own techniques:
I just want to be a place that's worth a look every day or every week for something about religion or politics or popular culture that you haven't seen somewhere else.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:10 PM Permalink ![]()
![]() Doing away with Huntington's controversial coat of arms may be easier said than done, town officials said yesterday. I'm not sure if this is another case of politicians with too much time on their hands. I'm a history buff and into heraldry, so this is of special interest to me. Pop Quiz: when you see a inescutcheon in pretence Sable a lion rampant Argent what leaps into your mind? Well if you guessed Droheda and the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Irish Catholics at the hands of English Protestants in the 17th century, you are on target. But to get serious this sort of obscure association of the lion on the seal of the Town of Huntington could have and should have stayed obscure. Another link: Ireland Online
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:44 PM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Thoughtcrime Watch Catholic Lawmaker Sees 'Bigotry' in Vatican Doctrine Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) - a Roman Catholic in a heavily Roman Catholic state - is criticizing the Vatican over its opposition to homosexual marriage. Pat, some forms of discrimination are crimes. Are you saying the following the teachings of the Catholic Church in this matter is a criminal act? If this is really how Pat Kennedy feels, why would he want to remain a Catholic? I'm not canon lawyer, but isn't there a point where a public position in opposition to the Church on a matter of doctrine becomes a heretical act? There's a difference between "The Church is against abortion, I'm for it" and "The Church does not want a legal recognition of homosexual marriage and I'm for such a recognition, and furthermore the Church is discriminating in doing so, and we can impose a criminal penalty for that. And spare me the "he didn't mean that" line. He wants to win the race to be first in line of CINO's to make threats against the tax-exempt status of the Church and other "trouble" that the government can create for the Church.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:45 PM Permalink ![]()
This is disgraceful. Learn about this case and you can't help but conclude the so-called husband wants to kill Terri. This is precisely the precedent the Kervorkian-crowd is looking for to permit non-consensual withdrawal of food and water from a person where there is reasonable doubt as to the "persistent vegatative state". The recent emergence of a man from an 18-year coma is a reason for hope.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:36 PM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Irish Echo: Church may face court over anti-gay document
Note the headline reads "anti-gay". This is a evolution of the gay agenda. It's not enough to be speak out against violence and intolerance as the Church does, but it's necessary to endorse gay acceptance into legal marriage, adoption, etc. and all the offices, ministries, roles, etc. of all religious bodies. It looks like a race among Ireland, Canada, and the United States to see when the persecution of Catholics starts for what their Church teaches on matters of human sexuality. another link Irish Times: Legal warning to church on gay stance posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:15 PM Permalink ![]()
Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for Governor A pro-abortion Catholic. Guest comment from my 9-year-old: "So Mr. Universe is running".
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:34 PM Permalink ![]()
Advertising plan-b ® (levonorgestrel) is being advertised in the New York City Subway. It is a "morning-after" pill which possibly abortifacent. There's no need to argue with me about this. The FAQ itself says Plan B may prevent a newly fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, although there is no scientific evidence that Plan B works this way. This google search Goggle: levonorgestrel abortifacient Here's the concept -- it not only affects sperm but affects the egg and the woman's body -- to prevent fertilization and implantation. The drug is designed to create a hostile environment for sperm, egg, and embryo. Another concern is that with wide availability this drug could be used surreptitiously, without the knowledge and consent of the woman, to contracept or induce an abortion. I take a photo of the ad if I get a chance.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:39 PM Permalink ![]()
Guest link to a blog in blogroll: The Blog From the Core Suggested Reading for Episcopalians Troubled in Conscience posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:27 PM Permalink ![]()
Arizona Republic: Romley's letter to Vatican sent back Sought extradition of indicted priests Return to sender. What's next? An Interpol arrest warrant for Cardinal Sodano for harboring fugitives? What did Cardinal Sodano have to lose by sending an actual reply that would describe the jurisdictional issues involved? Perhaps Romley would have better luck with the papal nuncio.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:19 AM Permalink ![]()
Memphis Commercial Appeal: Episcopals vote in 1st gay bishop "This is a huge step for gay and lesbian folk in the church. . . . I think we are seeing the (country) moving into a kind of mature adulthood with the full inclusion of gay and lesbian folks in the culture and I'm proud to a be a tiny, tiny part of that," Robinson said. "Full inclusion" is sort of a code. It not only implies admission of "gay and lesbian folks" to every role, function, ministry, office, and honor, but the affirmation of homosexual genital sexuality to be a expression of love of equal and identical holiness to sexuality which transmits life and cooperates with God's plan of creation. "Partial inclusion" is a second-class status where you can't become a bishop or archbishop, you can't get married, adopt, be a Boy Scout leader, etc. What's remarkable in the press accounts I've been reading is the focus on culture, power and status. It's so "now" and "this world". My own expectation is that there will be a formal split coming with bishops around the Anglican Communion aligning along the lines of blessing gay marriages and the acceptance of gay clergy. I don't expect anything to change regarding the ordination of women.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:48 AM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Greenville Church Burns the Bible
August 3, 2003 Surprised that there are "King James Only"-Christians? What a sheltered life you must have had. I wonder if we can find the book of the Wisdom of Sirach in his so-called "King James Version". After all, it was in the King James Bible of King James himself in 1611. And if the English of King James was good enough for Jesus and Paul, then it's good enough for me.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:45 PM Permalink ![]()
PaleoJudaica: MORE ON MEL AND THE PASSION As I suspected, Gibson was saying that according to Christian theology Jesus suffered and died for everyone and so therefore everyone is responsible in some sense for his death and needs to look at their own failings as a result. Even if you find this theological notion distasteful, it's right there in the center of Christianity and it was fair game for Mel to use it.Thank you, Jim Davila. Thank you, InstaPundit-Glen Reynolds
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:13 PM Permalink ![]()
CNS News:Florida Woman to Be Allowed to Die Despite Family's Wishes By Jeff Johnson Pray that this not be allowed to go forward. This case has a history of horrors.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:25 PM Permalink ![]()
Tech Central: Is the Case for Euthanasia Dying? In other words, the desire for euthanasia was not so much about pain and suffering as about their worldview and a perceived diminution of their quality of life within that worldview. As Mak put it, "disintegration [of the patient's sense of self-worth] was likely to occur earlier if patients had unresolved life events, personality problems, or poor social support had threatened their sense of wholeness." Patients whose sense of self-worth was reaffirmed by good quality end of life care tended to re-evaluate their need for euthanasia. The inference we might make from Mak's work is that doctors can help make the end of their patients' lives better by providing good psychological care, attuned to the individual patient's experiences, rather than by helping the end come quickly. This is what my common sense tells me: if you give a person comfort and constructively manage their fears about dependency and dying, they don't want to go until God calls them home.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:42 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, August 04, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:40 PM Permalink ![]()
![]() Happy 15th to Rush Limbaugh I know it was Friday, but in my new job I don't get the opportunity to listen to the show live. I had several Rush Limbaugh encounters before he became well known. As you know he started the national show in New York in 1988. The WABC radio studios were (and are) there at Two Penn Plaza (which he began to call it the "Excellence in Broadcasting Building"). I worked in that building from 1984 to 1993 and during that time met Rush a few times to say "Hello", "I love the show" and "dittos". For him that must be 75 pounds ago. (It's called Penn Plaza because it is above "Pennsylvania Station", the New York terminal of the former Pennsylvannia Railroad, now hosting Amtrak, New Jersey Transit, and Long Island Rail Road.) (Digital Equipment Corp. was my employer.) Rush is as nice a guy off the air as he is in person. He's in Florida now and I'm further uptown. Don't stop until everyone in America agrees with you!
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:56 PM Permalink ![]()
Opinion Journal: A Moral Failure Why did so many on the left march to save Saddam Hussein? Required reading.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:35 PM Permalink ![]()
Mark Shea -- consider yourself warned of this New York to Seattle migration Gawker: Hipster migration to Seatte LasagnaFarm interviews a New Yorker who speculates that "latent irony" may attract the hipsters out of Williamsburg, now that Williamsburg is No Longer Cool: "I can feel Seattle's latent irony in the marrow of my bones. The city is like a polyester bowling shirt hanging in my great-uncle Morris's closet in 1987, waiting for the world to turn its way. It won't be long until kids in post- Williamsburg Brooklyn will be glomming up all the Patagonia pullovers they can get their pale, white mitts on. Plus, pre-ironic homesteading is the new gentrification. Take the Catskills as an example." posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:22 AM Permalink ![]()
Crosswalk.com: Same-Sex Marriage: What's 'Wrong' With It? "Religious views are the last to change, but they do change over the course of time," [Steven Baines, a senior organizer for religious affairs with People for the American Way] said. Some of the best reasons for believing the Catholic Church is "Right" on the question of same-sex marriage comes from the arguments that are given promoting same-sex marriage. The PAW's would tell you the Catholic Church is wrong because it's on the wrong side of the tide of history. Hey! People change! Look at the polls! So get with it! Change the Gospel! Change the Church! Conform to the Popular Will! Even if one could put a poll in front of Baines showing that people don't want same-sex marriage legalized, I doubt he would back down. Duddy of Dignity knows better. She have to make the claim that it is the same Gospel, but that the Church after 20 centuries of uniting man and woman in marriage was wrong to refuse to unite man and man or woman and woman. The tide of history claim is so bogus to anyone who knows history: The deprecation of marriage in favor of free unions, concubinage, etc. has always been a sign of the decay of a society. I think it was Alice Von Hildebrand who pointed out that the slippery slope towards the destruction of the family started with the acceptance of marriages between men and women which were intended to be pepetually sterile, denying life. Once this became fixed in the culture, it became harder to deny anyone who sought pleasure from genital sexual activity. In the bigger picture, there's utter cluelessness - such as critics of the "Child Care Tax Credit" who say "Why do we need to encourage people to have babies?" Why, indeed. There's a demographic nuke that will hit Japan, then Europe, and then the United States as the average age of its population creeps upward. In some countries, pensioners will be greater in number than the people actually working.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:22 AM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Heard on the Drudge Radio Show Gigli was so bad that people were having cell phone conversations in the theater and no one cared.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:24 PM Permalink ![]()
CNEWS Canada - Catholic Church hypocritical: gay activists MONTREAL (CP) - The Catholic Church's credibility in preaching against same-sex marriage has been compromised by decades of repressive sexual attitudes and an unwillingness to condemn abuse by priests, participants and observers of Montreal's gay pride parade said Sunday. You just can't win with these people:
I think there needs to be a moratorium on the ordination of gay men to the priesthood. I have two reasons for this:
I know the scandal includes unchaste heterosexual men who are priests. The number of such men is small relative to the numbers for homosexual priests. Likewise, the position of the people at the Gay Pride parade on the matter of chastity for Catholic priests is likely not the position of the Church as well. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:51 PM Permalink ![]()