Nighttime Views from the 59th Street Bridge (Queensboro Bridge)
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If I've got to walk it, I'll take some pictures.
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 9:51 PM
Coping with the transit strike
About 2 hours to get to work and 3 hours to return home.
What would Reagan do? : Wall Street Journal
[The MTA] asked to push the retirement age back to 62 for new workers but dropped that demand and is now merely asking that they contribute 6% of their pre-tax salaries toward their pension for their first 10 years on the job, as well as pay 1% of salary for health insurance. By contrast, the TWU demanded that the MTA lower retirement age to 50 for its current workers and grant 8% wage increases over the next three years.
Retire at 50 with a prepaid pension after 20 years?
That's so out of line with private employers but, hey, this is New York City.
Photos: (1) my photo of sunrise Tuesday (2) the AP photo of Bloomberg crossing the Brooklyn Bridge (3) my photo of Bloomberg crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.
Click on the photos to get a full size photo.

posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 9:12 PM
Congress and Time Management
I'm calling for hearings on how Congress wastes time, defers the really important debates, and then rushes everything near their vacation breaks.
Why wasn't there a debate on the alternative minimum tax and the Patriot act a month ago? What's happened in the last four weeks that just made these get to the top of the agenda?
But Congress is the only thing exempt from the TV exposure of Congressional hearings.
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 12:15 AM
Time picks Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates as persons of the year 2005
They are labelled "Good Samaritans".
Bill Gates' foundation is perhaps the largest source of contributions to population control and abortion funding in the third world.
Tomorrow when the pro-life organizations get on this case we will find out exactly how much he does for the anti-life forces. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he also contributes to some Catholic-in-name organizations such as Catholic Charities which give him cover from criticism that he is also anti-Catholic.
Personally I admire Bill Gates. We were born less than 2 years apart and first learned of him when he complained to the world's personal computer/hobbyist community that he was selling software and that the purchasers should not make free copies of it to give to friends -- that was back in 1977. Software piracy nearly sunk Microsoft at its birth.
I met him in person in 1992 at a conference called "Windows on Wall Street" as an employee of Digital Equipment which at the time was larger that any other technology company except for IBM.
Remember all these money-fuelers of third-world birth control and abortion and pray for their conversion.
posted by
Patrick Sweeney at 10:29 PM