extreme Catholic
Thursday, April 15, 2004
MSNBC: Breakaway 'Catholic' Church Stirs Controversy
6:49 p.m. EDT April 12, 2004 - A priest who holds views questioned by some in the Roman Catholic faith is being criticized as he starts a new church, Channel 4's Ellen Gamble reported Monday. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:19 PM Permalink ![]()
September 12, 1960, candidate Senator John F. Kennedy address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association ... I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute--where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act... Of course "how to act" is often a matter of right and wrong. If you were there, what sort of answer would you get if you asked: "Senator Kennedy, are you still going to keep the Ten Commandments?" JFK confused the two enumerations: the free exercise of religion and the prohibition against the establishment of a national religion with something called "separation of church and state" -- and confused the conduct of the state with personal moral choices and personal choices. There are opinion pieces appearing all over the place (Newsdayand Newsweek for example) arguing that people are free to self-identify as Catholic like it is a tribal identity for a tribe for which there is no authority, no tradition, no definition for who is a Catholic. Is it a contradiction to be a Catholic and an atheist? Is it a contradiction to be Catholic and believe that bishops lack authority in matters of faith and morals? A historical note, the great Senator Kennedy/Cardinal Cushing conflict was over the public funding for parochial schools. No one thought that this policy position separated Kennedy from the Church. Kerry upped the ante by making a public claim that he is a Catholic and receiving Holy Communion while being vocal about his support of partial birth abortion. It almost seems as he's begging to force a confrontation with the bishops. I don't see a downside for Kerry -- nothing happens if the bishops refuse to act, and if the bishops act he gains status as a martyr for his conscientious stand against the Church, a regular Martin Luther. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:38 PM Permalink ![]()
CatholicsAgainstKerry This anonymous web site screams 1996 in terms of how it looks. I hope they keep it updated.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:27 PM Permalink ![]()
I had to change the Atom feed The Blogger software that I'm using has a restriction for the time being that requires me to call my Atom feed "atom.xml". If you have referenced the old feed it will no longer be updated. Blogger FAQ: What is Atom? What it means to be Atom-enabled. and Finally Atom
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:18 PM Permalink ![]()
Newsday has an editor's note on Jimmy Breslin apparent fabrication of quotes A Jimmy Breslin column published April 7 in the New York City edition of Newsday included direct quotations attributed to the Rev. Lou Sheldon describing his views on homosexuality. In response to the column, Sheldon, the chairman of the conservative lobbying group Traditional Values Coalition, said in a telegram to Newsday: "I do not recall ever meeting or being interviewed by Mr. Breslin. I have never made statements like these to Mr. Breslin or anyone else."... He sent a telegram? UPDATE: I put this into a Otto-de-fe (if you like my blog, you'll like his) comment box. My favorite Breslin story is from the Crown Heights riots. From his office he wrote about those stupid Irish-American cops over-reacting. When he got to the scene in the midst of this riot, he got a beat-down from the rioters and his clothes were ripped from his body and ran four blocks in his underwear into the arms of the police. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:31 PM Permalink ![]()
Cardinal McCarrick's Appeasement This came to my attention first in Catholic World News (paid subs. reqd.) links to this transcript of Cardinal McCarrick's appearance on Easter on Fox News Sunday On Catholic World News, I made the comment (quotes are from McCarrick) "I think every archbishop has the right to make his decision in his own area." Catholic pundits such as Maggie Gallager who I blogged below and Pat Buchannan on WorldNetDaily on this topic. Pat wrote: But the real problem is not Kerry or his Catholic colleagues like Kennedy, Dodd and Daschle who vote and, one assumes, believe as he does. The problem rests with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Many prelates have failed dismally in their pastoral duty to correct, admonish and sanction our Catholic lords temporal, even as some failed to protect Catholic children from predator-priests. The Catholic blogs are hammering away at this as well: Secret-agent man has a great fisk of a Kerry-is-a-good-Catholic opinion piece from Newsweek: Who are the "Real" Catholics? Mark Shea and his readers have comments on the above. Amy Welborn on Newsweek's piece.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:05 PM Permalink ![]()
National Review: Ruling on Terri’s Life The world has moved on since the case of Terri Schiavo, whose husband sought to remove the feeding tube that kept her alive, briefly grabbed public attention last fall. But Terri's life remains at risk. Keep Terri in your prayers and keep reading the news.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:14 AM Permalink ![]()
So people ought to stay out of our business. This incredibly arrogant comment comes from Tom Kean of the 9/11 Commission -- from Fox News: Commission defends Gorelick. Tom, you hold a position of public trust. Your business is the public's business. The "our" of "our business" is all the people of the United States. Gorelick has a conflict of interest. It's just more evidence that there's a media bias that the Gorelick memo on the "wall" that prevented communications inside government regarding terrorist threats was higher than law required went unnoticed in the New York Times. They editorialized the obvious lie that the FBI wanted these handcuffs on their own investigative powers.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:01 AM Permalink ![]()
Another person is wondering why Rick Santorum isn't supporting Pat Toomey in the primary National Review Online, Stephen Moore: Santorum's Shame Say it ain't so, Rick. No one can question Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum's free-market and pro-growth credentials. Santorum has been ranked as one of the most fiscally conservative Republicans in the Senate by groups like the National Taxpayers Union. He has led the fight for tax cuts and smaller government. And pro-growth contributors, for their part, did a lot of heavy lifting to help get Santorum into the Senate in the first place and into the leadership position he now holds. It was an investment that has paid off in spades. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:50 AM Permalink ![]()
This is a paraphrase of something Victor Davis Hanson wrote: What does the United States need in 2004? A President who can be accommodating and reasonable with our enemies. A President who is idealistic and prepared to use the overwhelming power against our enemies.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:17 AM Permalink ![]()
Dennis Miller giving the answer Kerry would give if he honestly answered the question "How do you define yourself" 2 things: Insane ambition and rich old lady.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:13 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Maggie Gallagher: The next great Catholic scandal? Stay with me a minute. This is not a column about a presidential candidate. It's a column about a religion. My religion. And maybe yours, too.The priest she refers to in the column to is Fr. Charles Murr recently resigned from St. Francis de Sales parish about whom I have blogged here. This New York Times account on St. Francis de Sales is incorrect. The reversal of policy was the Archdiocese's. The Archdiocese had agreed to the personnel changes planned by Fr. Murr.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:50 PM Permalink ![]()
9/11 Hypocrisy Watch (2) New York Post Michelle Malkin: Hindsight Hypocrites The Bush-bashers who have relentlessly accused the president and his War on Terror team of acting like jack-booted bigots are now imperiously attacking them for acting like light-footed fumblers. This self-serving display of liberal hypocrisy has provided more idiotic entertainment than "The Nick & Jessica Variety Hour."... posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:20 PM Permalink ![]()
9/11 Hypocrisy Watch (1) NRO Jonah Goldberg: The Blame Game ...Considering that it'd been reported in Time magazine in 1998 that government officials believed Osama bin Laden was determined to attack inside the United States, I'm not sure the president should have raced back to Washington from his ranch in August 2001. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:13 PM Permalink ![]()
I wouldn't be surprised if Bush just stopped having so-called press conferences... Each question contained one of the following:
These questions seem scripted by the Democratic National Committee. They reflect the attitude that it's the roll of the press to do a "gotcha" on President Bush while grandstanding in front of the media: Soundbites for a future Kerry ad attacking Bush on the war on terror. Here is CNN's own spin: Bush: 'Maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be' I applaud the President for showing restraint that I would not have shown to these hostile questions.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:03 PM Permalink ![]()
I just noticed Some of my favorite political authors are women. I think it's just common sense and nothing connected to the fact they are women. The Case for Marriage is co-authored by Maggie Gallagher. I'll be posting part of her most recent column later.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:03 AM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, April 11, 2004
The Liturgy of the Triduum Notes On Holy Thursday, I was disappointed at the turnout at 7.30PM but as time passed more people arrived, I guess they were thinking it's like a party and you get to be fashionably late. The pastor-celebrant is a wonderful priest, and recently raised to Monsignor. More than a few people just decided that 45 mins. was enough for them -- that was the just before the Gospel. Many of the parish are Spanish and not bilingual, so some of the readings, and some of the prayers and responses were given in Spanish and not not English. At some unpredicatable times, he would use Latin. Verbum Domini: Laus tibi, Christe. Sursam Cora: Habemus as Dominium. For the washing of the feet, he picked 12 men. These men were scattered through the church and he walked from place to place where they sat. This, I believe, is the third year in a row where it has been viri and before that it was six men and six women. On Good Friday, I visited my father-in-law's parish in New Jersey. The people there arrived on time and remained until the end. The central image of Christ in the church is a Christ Risen, in awkward corner at the front of the church is a crucifix. There was an awkward moment as the deacon invoked "Let us kneel..." and the priest-celebrant said "no, we'll remain standing". For other parts of the service we did kneel so it wasn't as if we never knelt. At Easter Vigil, we had a capacity crowd at the start of the Mass. The sacred fire was lit. I had earlier checked that the fire extinguiser was in its proper place and charged. A few years back it was almost knocked over. The pastor at the conclusion of the baptisms and confirmations asked that the neophytes be applauded. He told the applause lacked intensity. He apparently didn't notice that 1,000 people before him were holding lit candles. Some of the ushers somehow became distracted and scattered and I had to tell them that what they were hearing was the prayer of the faithful and the collection would follow.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:12 PM Permalink ![]()
Fox News: Released Presidential Daily Briefing 08/06/2001 Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate Bin Ladin since 1997' has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Ladin implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America." So it's been released. Do you see anything in it that would lead you to act differently? If anything, I think that if President Bush pre-9/11 told the FBI to take the gloves off in attempting to identify, to investigate, to interrogate, and to seize evidence from suspects from countries with al Qaeda connections, there would have been cries that he was tearing up the Constitution, and the people crying the loudest would be the same partisan Democrats trying to get more Democrats elected, and the same ones defending Clinton's inaction on terrorism.
What is in this memo is stuff that wasn't clear following the 1993 World Trade Center bombing or following the ABC Television interview that John Miller had with Osama bin Laden in 1998? Anyone paying attention knew OBL had the means, motive, and opportunity to project terrorism into the United States. Also discussed at Command Post
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:53 PM Permalink ![]()