extreme Catholic
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Battle admits lying; police charge her Elecia Battle finally admitted Friday that she lied about buying and losing the winning ticket for last week's $162 million Mega Millions jackpot, police said. She lied. Somehow she thought that even without a ticket in her possession she just might scam the lottery out of the money. I think there's more here than a false police report but fraud, but that's for the state's attorney to determine. In another story she is quoted I'm not a bad person. I'm really not," she said at the time. The lesson she teaches here is "truth is for chumps.".
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:58 PM Permalink ![]()
More on Pete Rose Have we ever heard such an arrogant "repentant" sinner. There's such insincerity in his statements. It's almost like a child who has to be told word by word what the form an apology is, or the Act of Contrition. It's almost like he's demanding "Gimme a script. Tell me what I gotta say so I can into the Hall of Fame and get to manage a team." I think it was Fred Barnes who I heard remark that he's yet to apologize to the people who defended him saying that he would never bet on baseball. Rose also has to apologize to all the people he attacked during the period when he was actively lying. Since Rose was connected to criminals in his gambling -- and as a losing and compulsive gambler -- it's reasonable to conclude that he was pressured to give up information -- or that the people accusing him of gambling would be retaliated against, in order to have kept Rose in baseball back in the 1980's. Rose didn't have to bet aganist his team by the way to "fix" the game. Once Rose established his betting pattern, his "bookie" would have access to knowledge that no one else would have -- even if Rose never bet against his team:
Here's a detail missing from many of the accounts you may have read: Rose agreed in writing to a lifetime ban from baseball, as a concession to the Commissioner of baseball that an investigation would not proceed. Read the text here. That stalled investigation from 1989 can't be restarted in 2004. Discussion of Rose's dishonor:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:13 PM Permalink ![]()
Friday, January 09, 2004
Introducing Church Resources - producers of "CathNews"
Church Resources incorporating Catholic Telecommunications is a charitable trust that seeks to: Where are they? PO Box 1522, Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia. It's a blog-type web site that I imagine is an adjunct to this Church-related business. They blogged this: Celibacy has largely “broken down” – Dominican Leader (actually is it the former Master General Father Timothy Radcliffe) This Catholic web site posted an unattributed summary of this BBC radio show teaser On top of this truly global religion sits the Pope, an Absolute Monarch of the Catholic Church. But as Jean Paul II becomes frailer, what are the major challenges which lie ahead for his successor? Look at this a bit deeper in the transcript and you see it is cranky Professor Eamon Duffy getting in a dig or two and Pope John Paul II. Which, as one would expect from the BBC would be what they would use to stimulate their web sites readers to tune it. When blogged by the people at Crow's Nest NSW their emphasis was the "broken down" comment by Radcliffe. In turn, our new friends at National Catholic Reporter who have over the Clergy Abuse tracker formerly maintained at the media watchdog organization Poynter. decided these criticisms of the Church were related to the problem of clergy abuse in their tracker. Search for Celibacy has largely "broken down" – Dominican Leader on that page. I'm posting this with all the links to provide evidence that that some Catholic "news" sources make a theme of a connection between the papacy and the sexual abuse scandal, between celibacy and the sexual abuse scandal. It exposes their bias: against the papacy and denigrating celibacy. I wonder how far I could get with the BBC, CathNews, and the National Catholic Reporter with an item to praise the Holy Father and to discuss the virtue of celibacy in a positive way. Do items like that get linked? Of course not, it's not connected to the sexual abuse scandal.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:51 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, January 08, 2004
How different would the world be? One of the things that I like to do is think about alternate histories, or counter-factual. One of the things that I wanted to blog on at year-end but missed was "What if 9/11 didn't happen?" Can you take the trends that were in place in June, July, August 2001 and extend them to the present and future -- taking out 9/11? More later.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:22 PM Permalink ![]()
Manchester Union Leader; Wesley Clark: Life, he said, begins with the mother’s decision. Democrat Wesley Clark said yesterday he would never appoint a pro-life judge to the federal bench because the judge’s anti-abortion views would render him unable to follow the established judicial precedent of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. The image that springs to mind is the Circus Maximus. One gladiator stands over another who lies broken at his feet. The crowd roars and then looks to the Emperor's thumb. The Gladiator's death begins with the Emperor's decision. I have to add that if life begins with the mother's decision, then life ends with the mother's decision.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:18 PM Permalink ![]()
Matt Grills: You've got the wrong Jesus, Howard Google cache link. The link on Opinion Journals is broken. This appeared on 12/31/2003.
Howard Dean has joined that elite pool of politicians who use Jesus as a prop on the presidential campaign trail. The above article provides a great context for the recent declaration for Dr. Dean Washington Post: Dean Says Faith Swayed Decision on Gay Unions Democratic front-runner Howard Dean said Wednesday that his decision as governor to sign the bill legalizing civil unions for gays in Vermont was influenced by his Christian views, as he waded deeper into the growing political, religious and cultural debate over homosexuality and the Bible's view of it. My take on this is not a criticism of Dean (Matt's piece could not be improved upon) but a criticism of us, or more precisely the American audience that Dean is trying to reach. Dean believes he has the folks hostile to religion locked up. This is Dean reaching out to some people who are more Democrat than they are religious to let them reassure them that as he sees it, his Jesus would never object to gay marriage, abortion, etc. -- all of his policy positions. Yes, Dean has an audience for that message. As an American, I find some shame in that. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:06 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:58 AM Permalink ![]()
Where are aliens? This UFO story is more credible than most because it's from three police officers. World Net Daily: Cops baffled after sighting UFO Three police officers in Huntington, Ind., claim to have seen an Unidentified Flying Object the day after Christmas hovering over a Catholic church, and UFO investigators now are looking into the incident. Fermi's paradox is if the universe has other intelligent life, why hasn't any of it been detected?
"There may be a million worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy alone which are at this moment inhabited by other intelligent beings" (Cosmos, episode XI, Carl Sagan) The best explanation for the lack of contact in my opinion is that there's a source of locally catastophic events that swallows up planets the way that a volcano destroys the adjacent villages and towns. This is James Annis's explanation.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:24 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Busting My Ass To Save Yours -- Operation Iraqi Freedom
This appeared in the Weekly Standard. A paid subscription is required to look at the PDF of the magazine from which this was clipped. By the way, while I enjoy the Simpsons, for me, South Park exceeds my threshold of bad taste. Another bumper sticker which I saw in New York City yesterday while I was walking around the prime target area of the next terrorist attack upon New York we this on a Con Ed truck: May God show you mercy because we won't.Well, that's bumper sticker bravery for you.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:30 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:30 PM Permalink ![]()
USA Today: Family gift shuts down airport concourses PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A metal device used to christen babies prompted authorities to shut down three concourses at Portland International Airport, causing flight delays. Religious Illiteracy: It is used to "christen" babies -- doesn't that refer to a connection to "Christ"? A container than opens on both ends: what does that have to do with baptism? What religion besides Christianity has baptism? Is this device connection to the Mormon baptism ritual?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:39 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:46 AM Permalink ![]()
Potential Life? Remarks I made during Blogger's downtime on the WABC Bulletin Board Posted: 05 Jan 2004 22:13 Post subject: Why is Arthur Caplan Gambling's only source for bioethics? Arthur Caplan comes to WABC not with analysis but his own agenda. He refers to the unborn as "potential people". He refers to removing any oversight on experimentation on human life as "cures". I think Gambling is just poor at handling the callers on political subjects. He knows it and therefore avoids any exchange with the caller.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:06 AM Permalink ![]()
Pete Rose Remarks I made during Blogger's downtime in Amy Welborn's Open Book Pete Rose's "confession" should include all the lies, threats, and 14 years of slander of Bart Giamatti, and basically everyone who presented to him evidence of his gambling. He wasn't merely a liar, but an especially aggressive one in defending himself from the accusations of lying about gambling, while accusing others of lying about him. The time and place and limitations of his statements are strategic: to maximize his revenue from the book and to gain sympathy in his time which remains for the sports writers to put him into the Hall of Fame. I didn't trust him then and I don't trust him now. Selig can't put him into the Hall of Fame, only make him eligible. I don't think the confession is a quid pro quo, only a act of desperation.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:44 AM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:31 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, January 05, 2004
South Jersey Courier Post: Newborn rescued from toilet A borough woman who gave birth into a toilet tried to kill her premature newborn by closing the lid and leaving her there to die, authorities said Sunday. Thanks be to God the life of this child was spared and that the presumptive father chose life.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:15 PM Permalink ![]()
Jerusalem Post: Kabbala may have led Britney to marry Britney Spears's study of the Kabbala, a Jewish mystical practice, may explain her surprise wedding to Jason Alexander in Las Vegas Saturday, claim sources close to the star. Wow -- I've this story up before Drudge.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:54 AM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, January 04, 2004
USA Today: First of Catholic scandal reports due this week U.S. Catholic bishops on Tuesday will release the first of three major reports promised after the child sexual abuse scandal erupted two years ago. It's expected to account, diocese by diocese, for the church's reform efforts. Bishop Wilton Gregory had nothing newsworthy to say on ABC This Week by the way. My observations:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:52 PM Permalink ![]()
Simpsons: Marge Versus Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays One of the greatest episodes ever. Lisa: Maggie vomited into your purse. Ms. Nagel: And all I have in mine is disposable cash. The tie-in to the "War of the Worlds" makes turns it from a "10" into an "11". Added because of the first comment in the comment box: The Simpson's contain the most biting social commentary against the anti-family trends in popular culture. Tonights episode mocked the entire anti-family agenda of singles, seniors, childless couples, teens and gays. It was very funny and very pro-family. The Simpson's is the only regular television series which features people of faith (Christian, Jewish, etc.) acting after reflecting on their religious beliefs.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:48 PM Permalink ![]()
Congratualations, NASA But you don't have to act so surprised when things work as they were designed to.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:26 PM Permalink ![]()
Religion of Peace Dept. Al Jazeera: Arms found in Baghdad mosque raid US soldiers have seized a large cache of weapons in a raid on a Sunni mosque in southwestern Baghdad. I think as a result of this, every Mosque in Iraq needs to be accessible to US soldiers on a 24x7 basis. Those weapons were intended to kill Americans. It would be of short-term benefit simply to destroy the mosque in which the weapons were found but in the long-term it would hand the enemy a propaganda victory. But, of course, there would be a propaganda ploy out of this -- As CNN reports: A U.S. military commander defended coalition troops Friday against allegations they defiled the Koran during a raid on a Sunni Muslim mosque in Baghdad. As if the storage of weapons in the mosque itself was not defilement. And don't hold your breath waiting for the worldwide outrage that weapons were being stored in a sacred place from the "moderate" Muslims.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:14 PM Permalink ![]()