extreme Catholic
Friday, October 17, 2003
Who's Harmed If rehabilitation is started and we can see if Terri Schiavo can be given food and water by mouth?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:40 PM Permalink ![]()
Why I'm not a happy guy today I stayed up and watched the incredible come from behind victory of the Yankees over the Red Sox. Ordinarily I'd be happy with the result. But in Florida there's a woman slowly dying of thirst and there's little I can do but pray. Times Aganist Humanity is blogging the details. When a Governor or a President really wants to do something, it gets done, and then after-the-fact a fiction is constructed to make it legal. I'm not suggesting that Governor Bush rule by decree but he ought to be able to find some aspect of civil rights or rights of the disabled law that is applicable here. I also don't understand how Michael Schiavo's guardianship of Terri is so absolute. I read stories all the time where a court removes such guardianship for trivial reasons. Certainly a court should realize that MS's claim of knowledge of Terri's intentions is self-interested. I think of all across the United States of people who are no longer able to chew and swallow but live through feeding tubes. God help them all if Terri's life is not spared.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:44 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Hannity is on the Terri Schiavo case With her father, Robert Schindler, now:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:45 PM Permalink ![]()
Caller argues that Scalia should resign As you know Justice Scalia recused himself from the Newdow Pledge case because of a request from Newdow himself. The Christian website Crosswalk has misgivings about his recusal -- first, the standing of Newdow to bring this case has to be examined and Scalia gave no opinion on that. My misgiving is that Scalia is free to have an opinion on a matter of public policy and give that opinion in public as he gave it to the Knights of Columbus this year. The K of C in the 1950's lobbied to have under God added to the pledge. The Justice did not pre-judge the evidence and merits in the case which as far as I know had not yet formally presented to the SC. So I don't get the reason for the recusal. That's up to Scalia. Now today this caller said that because Scalia has given his personal opinions in public on so many issues that could come before the court -- he'd be obligated to recuse himself on all of them -- and so he ought to nip this problem in the bud by resigning. It's yet another gotcha for the liberals to play with.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:09 PM Permalink ![]()
This is the 25th Anniversary of the election of the Pope He's earned a special place in the hearts of all Catholics. I pray for him and wish him good health but realize he is being called back to God, so I pray for the Holy Spirit to be guiding the judgment of the Cardinals in contemplation of his successor.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:29 PM Permalink ![]()
New York Times: Feeding Tube Is Removed in Florida Right-to-Die Case By ABBY GOODNOUGH
PINELLAS PARK, Fla., Oct. 15 ?— Terri Schiavo received what was supposed to be her final feeding on Wednesday, but Gov. Jeb Bush told her parents that he would again try to stop her court-approved death. This is how most of the media handled it with the misleading headline that this is a Right-to-Die case. My favorite newspaper, the New York Post didn't even run the AP story. New York today is consumed with news of the Staten Island Ferry disaster. I also hope that there's not a spam bot in my comment boxes to annoy me. I'm praying and trying to increase awareness of the case in this blog. Unfortunately, it looks like all the legal remedies that can be tried, have been tried. It always was in God's hands and even more so today. I watched Hannity and Colmes and I thought legal analyst Lis Wiehl was disgraceful. She had a smirk on her face and constantly brought up the arguments used by Michael Schiavo -- making it clear that the court should have accepted all his claims without questioning them and neither does she question anything MS has said. Sean: Leaving aside the court case, why doesn't MS allow her father to take care of Terri now? Lis: We can never question anyone's motives. And then time ran out. Sean has been serious and passionate about getting this story out. We always question people's motives -- especially so when in this case -- what Michael Schiavo does and intends to do contradicts common sense and common decency. Another angle that is not often mentioned is suffering -- I don't know if Schiavo's attorneys represented that Terri is suffering or the only thing that requires the state to intervene here is the claim of persistent vegetative state. terrisfight.org is the family's site.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:34 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
aljazeera.net: US schoolgirl in hijab victory An 11 year old American school girl from has won a historic victory after her school imposed a hijab ban.I doubt very much that it is first of it's [sic] kind. In public schools all over the New York metropolitan area, the hijab is permitted. In fact, in some areas, the problem is that there's pressure applied to some Muslim girls to wear it who would prefer not to -- but don't expect aljazeera to report that.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:42 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:12 PM Permalink ![]()
1010 WINS: Staten Island Ferry Crash Might Have Been Pilot's Suicide Attempt Passengers jumped for their lives as a Staten Island ferry crashed while docking at the St. George terminal on Staten Island. 1010 WINS correspondent Carol D'Auria reports that the pilot jumped ship after the accident and attempted to commit suicide at home. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:09 PM Permalink ![]()
Pledge There's two ways the Court can avoid the issues raised in the pledge case:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:32 PM Permalink ![]()
1010 WINS: Gay Men Say Pastor Threw Them Out of Choir (NEW YORK) A Catholic pastor ordered two men out of the choir because they went public with their gay wedding, the men say. You can be sure that we're not getting the pastor's side of this without spin, but it looks like Msgr. Whalen did the right thing. I'm not sure if he didn't attempt to contact Sabatino privately after this so-called marriage was made public so as to avoid a confrontation at the Church. Certainly Sabatino and Voorheis should have expected this would have come to the attention of the parish. What did they expect? posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:50 AM Permalink ![]()
UK Telegraph: Terrorists can have serious moral goals, says Williams The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, yesterday urged America to recognise that terrorists can "have serious moral goals". File this under "I condemn terrorism but". And speaking of "intelligible", when you are talking about the morality of an action -- what does rationality have to do with it? Evil is evil -- it's rationality is never an excuse. Of course, Osama had strategy behind the 9/11 attack and if we measure success by body count -- it was successful. Is there something admirable about that, Your Excellency?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:35 AM Permalink ![]()
Newsday: Garter ritual sparks melee at wedding BELMAR, N.J. -- A wedding reception brawl that apparently started when a guest thought his girlfriend was manhandled during the traditional garter ritual ended with four people being arrested.That thing with the garter always struck me as just plain vulgar and I'm glad that I've not seen this at a wedding in over 10 years. Who goes to a wedding to have a fight, anyway?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:38 AM Permalink ![]()
Newsday: Diocese to Review St. Dom Faculty Credentials Probing principal's degree Increasing its oversight of Long Island's oldest Catholic high school, the Diocese of Rockville Centre will review the academic credentials and certifications of the faculty of St. Dominic's in Oyster Bay. The action comes as the school's principal is being asked to produce evidence of her own advanced degree.Columbia University cannot confirm that she has a PhD from them. On the other hand, I have a Columbia University Masters of Science degree (Computer Science 1980)
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:32 AM Permalink ![]()
![]() Netscape: Sexist '60s Symbol Hot With Teen Girls It's retro, but also cool. It's sexist and exploitative, but also sexy and alluring. It's the Playboy bunny logo--arguably one of the world's most recognizable corporate icons--and it's now the hottest new trend for teenage girls. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:14 AM Permalink ![]()
Reuters: Bishop Wants Confession at Schools NICOSIA (Reuters) - An Orthodox Bishop has offered to put confession boxes in every Cypriot school for teenagers to seek repentance for their sins.Netscape filed this under Fun and Games and not News posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:04 AM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Public Service Annoucement The father of Terri Schindler-Schiavo will be on Hannity and Colmes on Fox News tonight. This is the final hour as tomorrow is the date set for removing Terri's feeding tube. Worldnet Daily has the latest news. Times Against Humanity has excellent coverage as well. Remember Terri and all the others who are now living by means of a feeding tube in prayer.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:07 PM Permalink ![]()
Neopagan Watch Diana, Queen of Heaven and some context Wiccan Barbie on ebay
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:40 AM Permalink ![]()
Analogy Primary credit for this goes to a caller to Limbaugh or Hannity today. I don't represent this as a verbatim transcript but it reflects my views as well: Imagine a guy going into a 7-11 and has his hand buried in his coat so that it's either a finger or the barrell of a gun which is concealed. "Give me all the money or I'll kill you". He says. You comply. A police officer appears at the door. "Hey's robbing me". "Get you hands up where I can see them." He doesn't comply but turns towards the police officer. "Bang!" The police officer shoots the guy. You and police officer discover that he had no gun. It was only a finger. Was this a justifiable shooting? Yes, because the police officer has no way of discovering he had no weapon. The order to the robber to raise his hands was justified. You had no way of knowing that you would not have been killed so as to make your identification of the criminal impossible. This would likely go down as "suicide by cop". The point is that Saddam had the obligation to demonstrate that he did not posess the threat of WMD's. The 1991 creasefire agreement and UN resoutions placed the burden of proof on Saddam.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:19 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, October 13, 2003
New York Times: Faith Fades Where It Once Burned Strong ROME, Oct. 12 — Like many Italians in decades and childhoods past, Giampaolo Servadio used to go to Roman Catholic Mass every week. He even served as an altar boy. Frank Bruni is at it again: spining that the Catholic Church is on its last legs. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:21 PM Permalink ![]()
Vis Vobiuscum...Et cum spiritu tuo. May The Force be with you...and also with you. wkyc: Mentor [Ohio] couple has out of this world wedding, Star Wars style Is this a wedding or a theme restaurant opening?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:06 PM Permalink ![]()
A secret that isn't getting much circulation Broadcast radio and television, at least in the United States, are supported by advertising -- they are free from the listener/viewer's point of view. At least there's the inconvenience of skipping over the commercials if you listen or watch time-shifted. The secret is the cost of wireless phone calls and wireless internet is dropping so fast that that there might eventually be advertising-supported wireless phones. How is this going to happen? You'll enter a phone number and watch a commerical before you call is connected. It's called media convergence.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:37 PM Permalink ![]()
Newsday: Clergy abuse victim, advocate commits suicide NEWARK, N.J. -- A man who had been abused by a Roman Catholic priest as a youth, then spoke out about the burgeoning scandal that has rocked the church, committed suicide by stepping in front of a train. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:31 PM Permalink ![]()
If they are a minority here, they must be a minority everywhere. A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show disputed Rodger Hedgecock, the guest host. The rebuttal by Rodger was familiar and unpersuasive: a lot of my neighbors are Muslims and they don't wake up in the morning with only one desire to kills Christians and Jews. I have similar neighbors -- but too much of the world is Jihadist or in sympathy with them those who are. The world is not full of Muslim missionaries to win the hearts and minds of non-believers -- Islam where it is expanding geographically today is only doing so by violence (Sudan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Philippines, India, etc.) The "War on Terror" is itself a politically correct term, the goals of Osama bin Laden was not terror for the sake of terror, but to start of sequence of geopolitical events to reconstruct the Caliphate along Wahabist lines -- so it could be called a "War on Jihad" if you want to connect the dots. I didn't know that on 9/11/2001, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me but I urge everyone reading this who has the same opinion as Hedgecock to get educated on what this war is about by reading books on Islam's political and military strategies.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 4:51 PM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, October 12, 2003
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Regina High bars girl wearing Muslim scarf Follow-up: When last we heard, Amal Jamal who was given a choice of wearing the headscarf or no longer attending Regina High School (Euclid, near Cleveland, Ohio) by Sister Maureen Burke, the school's principal. The story appeared about 8/28/2003 It looks like the review was done and they did not change their mind. Meanwhile in France, the story for what the rules will be in their secular schools is on page one. The original is in French and the English translation is from Google. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:41 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:29 PM Permalink ![]()
Mepham Update: "It's this simple: Keep your mouth shut and nothing will happen to you or your family." Newsday/AP: Police: Threatening letters sent to parents MERRICK, N.Y. (AP) _ Two parents who spoke publicly about the alleged sexual assault of three high school football players by their teammates received threatening letters telling them to keep quiet, Nassau County police said Saturday. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:10 AM Permalink ![]()