extreme Catholic
Saturday, September 13, 2003
EWTN has this photograph of young Mother Teresa to help you decide which actress is depicted below or which actress should portray her.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:58 PM Permalink ![]()
Friday, September 12, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:47 PM Permalink ![]()
Reuters: Porno Film Strips Church of Holiness A church in central Italy may need reconsecrating after police discovered it had been the location for a pornographic film, Italian media reported Thursday. While the church needs to be re-blessed after its desecration, I don't get the point about the services there being invalid. There's no sacrament that requires a physical church for validity.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:49 PM Permalink ![]()
UK Telegraph: Church takes its wedding message to the masses C of E joins business exhibitors in move to reverse fall in marriage services. Nick Britten reports Reuters: Church of England Fights Fad for Novelty Weddings LONDON (Reuters) - Tired of watching couples marry in stately homes or on tropical islands, the Church of England is fighting back. This is the religious denomination that takes marriage so seriously that it elevated to a bishop a man who abandoned his wife and children. This is denomination whose "communion" is so fractured that it's titual highest-ranking bishop is banned from conducting services in dioceses that have asserted that the Church lacks that power to ordain women. Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is now barred in 350 parishes. It's worth reading both versions of this article, the first is looking at this as strictly a matter of marketing. In the second, I'm not sure if the appeal is being made to nostalgia or to holiness. I fear it is only the former.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:25 PM Permalink ![]()
AP: UN Peacekeepers stole from Church UNITED NATIONS (AP)--Seven U.N. peacekeeping troops from Uruguay who are under investigation for stealing from a church in northeastern Congo will be transferred to the capital, Kinshasa, the United Nations said Thursday. If the theft involved the sacred hosts, the reserved Blessed Sacrament, there would be the additional penalty of excommunication. It will be interesting to watch the official Vatican reaction and whether this mutes the call for UN Peacekeepers as opposed to using American and British forces, which although not perfect and the most well-disciplined -- though not as much as the Vatican's own Swiss Guard.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:03 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Followup: Image of Jesus removed from crucifix recovered The statue of Jesus stolen from a Midtown church about three weeks ago was discovered by a worker in an alley yesterday, police said. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:13 PM Permalink ![]()
Back from Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral This mass was offerred for the victims of 9/11. Many midtown firefighters attended and there was a larger than usual tourist and office worker mix. The celebrant was the rector of the cathedral, Monsignor Eugene Clark. At the end of Mass, Cardinal Egan greeted the firefighters and reported that he had just returned from a Mass at Saint Peter's (Barclay St.) the church nearest the World Trade Center that I used to attend when I worked at Lehman Brothers.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:24 PM Permalink ![]()
9/11 My connection to 9/11 starts with a little-known event that one only reads about in the most detailed of the histories in the war on terrorism. I was in Tehran, Iran in the summer of 1978 when I was 24. The tourist brochures were accurate in their depiction of the landscape and museums but not the people. The people were angry and the military and police were angry at the people. I could sense fear in the people and cautiously stay very close to the areas of the city which were filled with Europeans and Americans. The day I returned to the United States, the first mass murder by Islamic terrorists in modern times occurred. August 19, 1978 at the Cinema Rex in Abadan, Iran. A fire was started and the exits were deliberately blocked, over 400 died. Some web sites have compared this to the Reichstag fire (set by Nazis, blamed on Communists) and claim this was set by the Shah's secret police. I doubt this as there was nothing to be gained by increasing the sense of power and terror held by the anti-Shah imans. So it is now 25 years later, and two years after I heard on the radio of the impact of a small airplane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. I looked out the window and saw the fire. I thought it was too large a fire for a small plane. Moments later, the story was it was an airliner. The conversation in the office was more like a debate: was it terrorism? can the spread of the fire be stopped, were only a few hundred going to die, or thousands? could people be removed from the roof? Questions started to get answered: the second aircraft confirmed it was terrorism, with a full load of jet fuel dumped into the building -- the fire was going to consume the buildings, thousands would die, no one could be evacuated from the roof. Fascination with the events inhibited the wave of grief, as we in the office looking at this, knew that shortly we would be putting names and faces who we knew were working there. I would come to learn that Michael Asher (my boss from 1995-97) and David Rathkey (a co-worker from 1985-93) died that day. I think that people have forgotten that we are in a war on terror that we did not start and did not welcome. It is a war which, like World War II, there is no "exit strategy" except victory. Also, like World War II, this is a war that we can lose. The flow of money and weapons to terrorists and their ability to enter the United States is the target of this current war. Peace can only come when the terrorists are utterly destroyed. It's not vengeance -- the good shepherd not only lays down his life for the sheep, he wants to stop the wolves and other sheep predators.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:57 AM Permalink ![]()
Of interest to readers in the New York City Area Dear Guild Members and Friends of the Guild, I'm happy to invite your participation in the Catholic Evidence Guild in the year to come and report on some exciting new developments. The Guild returns to Manhattan. With the generous cooperation of Fr. George Rutler at the Church of Our Savior we will have an additional base to train and practice. The Guild returns to Westchester. We have our old meeting space back thanks to the Institute of Religious Studies. This mission remains the same to explain and defend the Catholic Faith by public speaking. Experience with the location in Grand Central has pulled us in the direction of using a table with religious art, tracts, tapes, and rosaries to draw people over to talk to us. We found this informal contact rather than the format of a speech delivered from our stand worked better. We adapt! When I speak to Catholics about what we are all about, I talk about the people we met on Aug. 9:
Every public event we have is a new experience in witnessing to the truth of the Catholic Church. The group in Westchester is composed of members who have completed years of training. We plan to have monthly meetings for planning and practice. Our first monthly meeting will be on Friday September 19, 2003 at 7:30 PM at the Institute of Religious Studies. Our schedule for the rest of the year will be fixed at that time. The group in Manhattan is to develop the next generation of speakers and associates. We plan on having meetings every two weeks. The focus here will be on training and practice. Our first meeting will be at the Church of Our Savior on Monday September 22, 2003 at 6:00 PM. These are not exclusive groups. Everyone is invited to attend either meeting. Please come and bring your friends. Yours in Christ, Patrick Sweeney President, Catholic Evidence Guild, New York Chapter posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:41 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
WSJ AP: Priest's Relatives On Trial For Abusing Vietnam Democracy HANOI (AP)--Three relatives of dissident Catholic priest Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly appeared in a Ho Chi Minh City court Wednesday to face charges of "abusing democratic freedoms," a court official said. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:08 PM Permalink ![]()
AGI: Pope: Hopes for peace collapsed with the twin towers Aachen, Germany, Sept. 8 - "Together with the Twin Towers, it seems much of our quest for peace has collapsed too", reads the Pope's September 11 reading in honor of the second anniversary of the tragic attacks on the Twin Towers of New York and Washington's Pentagon. In a message fro the 17th international gathering for peace promoted by the community of Sant'Egidio, Pope John Paul II referred to the "dozens of wars still underway" and the "widespread war" represented by terrorism. See also Zenit: the complete address At dawn on 09/11, the United States was at peace, New York was at peace, 22 Cortland Street where I worked was at peace. Peace did not collapse. A war was started. Perhaps this war started ten years earlier in 1993, at the same place, the first bombing of the World Trade Center which killed six. Peace is not merely the absence of war. [CCC 2304] The audience in Aachen is the not the survivors of the attacks 2/26/93 and 9/11/03. They are people who want to hear of peace and not about the need to defend life in the United States from terror. It was The 17th International Meeting of Prayer for Peace, with the theme "War and Peace: Faith and Cultures Meet" My brief answer is Give War a Chance A longer answer to people who want to question my fidelity to Catholicism and love for the Pope is that peace with Islamist terrrorists will happen when the whole world is dar al-Islam under the righteous caliph. Some things are worth dying for. Victor Davis Hanson writes in National Review Online about the people at peace meetings like the one at Aachen The more-extreme critics of this war would further add that rather than envisioning a conflict between civilization and fundamentalist and autocratic Middle East barbarism, we should look inward — asking ourselves why the bin Ladens and Saddam Husseins of the world hate us so. Their obvious solution to preclude the anger of the "oppressed" would then be to learn to be more sensitive to the feelings of others and to listen rather than shoot. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:47 PM Permalink ![]()
Monday, September 08, 2003
Threats from something other than bullets. WCBS/AP: Dozen Marines Have Contracted Malaria Twelve U.S. Marines who were in Liberia last month in support of a West African peacekeeping mission have contracted malaria and 21 others have symptoms of the disease, defense officials said Monday.Perhaps they went here USAEUR 97th General Hospital I was assigned here for 3 months by the State Department which took over from the Peace Corps when I was evacuated from Togo to West Germany with malaria.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:52 PM Permalink ![]()
Christianity Today: VeggieTales Creators File for Bankruptcy Big Idea Productions, makers of the best-selling VeggieTales video series, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Tuesday, as part of a deal to sell the financially troubled company. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:48 AM Permalink ![]()
Good News from the set of The Passion New York Daily News: WORKING MIRACLES? "There is an interesting power in the script," he adds. "A lot of unusual things have been happening — good things, like people being healed of diseases. A guy who was struck by lightning while we were filming the crucifixion scene just got up and walked away." posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:42 AM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Reuters: Dogs dressed as nuns snarl Berlin traffic BERLIN (Reuters) - More than 3,000 dogs have paraded through central Berlin in a demonstration by owners for more rights and public tolerance.Nuns, eh? Stories like this give up sort of a cultural baromter of what prejudices are acceptable. The mockery of nuns: a life dedicated to serving God and living in poverty, chastity, and obedience. They make the idea targets. It happens on this level, and it also happens on a more sinister level to encourage violence against priests, teachers, and other staff including janitors. Some of this in done with an air of righteous vengence: either for the sexual abuse of children by priests, or by the Church's teachings human sexuality. It's sort of a Catholic "front" in the war on terror.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:51 PM Permalink ![]()
Dungeons and Dragons: Explained Very Funny. Blogger Credit: fark.com posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:36 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:45 PM Permalink ![]()
Reuters: India's Parsi Population on Verge of Extinction
"Chances of Parsis as an ethnic group surviving are slim," Jehangir Patel, editor and publisher of Parsiana, a monthly magazine for the community published from Bombay, told Reuters. Perhaps, given sufficient contraception, this will be the fate of Christians in a century or so.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:12 PM Permalink ![]()
New York Times: New Trial Sought for Skakel By ROBERT D. McFADDEN and ALISON LEIGH COWAN What a strange coincidence.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:43 PM Permalink ![]()