extreme Catholic
Saturday, October 23, 2004
March for Life. October 23, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:23 PM Permalink ![]()
A Catholic bishop told Catholics not to vote for Kerry: talk radio Heard on talk radio today in New York and I guess all over the country. The Church has every right to declare that the unborn child has a right to life, and that abortion is a evil act that can never be moral or a civil right of its own.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:30 PM Permalink ![]()
St. Blog's Big Story of the Week is the Heresy of John Kerry It started with this story in Catholic World News Kerry said to be excommunicated This may have been noticed by the usual readers of CWN, but it was picked up by Drudge Report, and then WorldNet and then the AP and other wire services. What I have done is compiled at St. Blog's index to the blogs which have mentioned Mr. Balestrieri at the St. Blogs Balestrieri Index. The story quickly shifted from the discussion of Kerry to the discussion of Marc Balestrieri methods and motives. He was accused of having hoodwinked the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith into giving him an opinion that he sought and the CDF was unwilling to yield. A thoughtful unnamed Vatican source was quoted by the thoughtful "official" Catholic News Service: "Kerry is not a heretic". This quote appeared in the first paragraph of the New York Times and other wire service accounts.
Marc Balestrieri apparently became more of the target than candidate Kerry. Pat's Questions:
Not in St. Blogs, but important discussions of this are taking place in
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:06 PM Permalink ![]()
Friday, October 22, 2004
![]() Pope says fate of unbaptized babies touches important beliefs: Long Island Catholic What the Catholic Church believes about the fate of babies who die without Baptism is not an “isolated theological problem,” but one that touches belief about original sin, the importance of Baptism and God’s desire to save all people, Pope John Paul II said.Sadly I have these cases of the murder of newborns to mention: Long Island Mom Allegedly Suffocates Newborn In Plastic Bag: AP An Elmont, Long Island, woman is being charged with suffocating her newborn baby by placing it in a plastic bag, moments after it was born Tuesday morning.Newborn baby found dead in hospital laundry: Chicago-Sun Times A dead newborn baby was found, in a mix of sheets and other items, in a laundry room at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston Thursday, authorities said. Pray for these helpless children, pray for the mothers who actively killed them or killed them by neglect, and pray for our culture will fails to instill the value of each human life.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:12 PM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, October 21, 2004
In case you missed it Humorist P.J. O'Rourke had debating points for President Bush to make. One of them was: You say I didn't have the answers in Iraq? Well, what were the questions? Was there this bad man? Was he running a bad country? That did bad things? Did it have a lot of oil money to do bad things with? Was it going to do more bad things? If those were the questions, was the answer "more time to let international sanctions and U.N. weapons inspections do their job"? No, the answer was blow the place to bits.and What are you going to do, Senator, give Saddam Hussein a mulligan and let him take his tee shot over?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:51 PM Permalink ![]()
Christmas Cards Where I work, I got a Christmas Card catalog for businesses last year and again this year. Last year I sent an email back to one of these vendors that they lacked any cards whatsoever which had a religious theme for what the "holiday" is -- the depiction of the birth of Jesus Christ. Maybe a lot of people sent them email. Maybe it was prayer. But they have religious cards for 2004. The Gallery Collection has four cards which have a nativity scene. This is a reminder to speak out and don't be discouraged. Be thankful for small gains like this.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:37 PM Permalink ![]()
Mass, Prayer, and Procession to End Abortion
This Saturday October 23, 2004 8.30am
In memory of Bishop George Lynch
The Church of Our Saviour
Mass at 8.30am Mass will be followed with prayer and a peaceful procession to a nearby abortion center. We will pray and peacefully give witness to our support for life. The procession will return to Our Savior for benediction, and then continue to the Church of the Holy Innocents at 128 West 37th Street where there will be a light lunch, confession, and final blessing. For more information call Nivene at 212-307-1254.
These are the pictures I took on 10.25.2003. Captions and original blog entry
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:56 PM Permalink ![]()
Observations from teaching the Catholic faith to kids 10-14 years old I'm teaching with my wife 16 baptized children who have never been taught the Catholic faith and are preparing for first Holy Communion, first penance, and Confirmation. I was delighted to learn that the students followed my instructions to look up the life of Mother Teresa on the Internet and they came to class with pictures of her life and we made up a poster to present to all the classes for our All Saints presentation. I'm surprised how in the absence of any time in their young lives they really have not reflected on the words: faith, hope, love, grace, mercy, virtue, forgiveness, etc. They may have heard the words but can't explain them like they can photosynthesis or tectonic plates. On the other hand, I'm taking an Old Testament course for adults on what's theoretically the college level and the instructor who has taught this for 20 years was tongue-tied when asked "Why did God pick Canaan as the land to send Abraham and his people?" The answer of course is a little bit of irony on God's part: rather than a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3.8), it's physically a hard place to maintain life unlike the floodplains of the Nile and the Tigris and Euphrates where it's a lot easier. This was done to insure that the Chosen People would remain dependent on the God of Abraham, the one true God, and not turn to the Sun God, River God, etc. As these other peoples did. (They however did have a problem with a golden calf.) The second reason is that the Canaan would never become a big empire to rival Egypt and Assyria-Babylon-Persia. God knows politics.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:50 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Vietnam I've been meaning for sometime to do an auto-biographical blog on Vietnam and my aprehension about being in the war. I grew up in a neighborhood when in the 1960's all the men in their 30's, 40's, and 50's were in World War II or Korea, or at least it appeared so to me. The local parades on Memorial Day and Veterans Day were well attended. The pastor, Fr. Edward Lodge Curran, was a protege of the most political of Catholic priests, Fr. Charles Coughlin. The war was colored in terms of the Cold War: the advance of godless Communism against the Christian world and it had to be stopped in Vietnam. As I turned 16 and the war was beginning to look impossible to win, I thought that Nixon's "peace with honor" was making the best of a bad situation. I learned of young men who fled to Canada or Europe, or manipulated their weight or physical condition to obtain a physical deferment. I had resolved to volunteer if it came down to waiting to be called up in the draft, but the draft didn't come and my resolve wasn't tested. I graduated from college and almost simultaneously entered the Peace Corps and was in Africa during the final collapse of the South Vietnamese goverment when Gerry Ford was president. In the end, my hometown zip code had the highest number of men killed in action of the entire United States. Starting in 1976 I began to follow the stories a Sydney Schanberg filed from Cambodia and some stories of a blood bath taking place in Vietnam, and the plight of "boat people" who accepted an almost certain death on the seas in exchange for a small hope of reaching Hong Kong (then a British colony) or some other non-Communist territory. I slowly came to realize that the war in Vietnam was the right war but fought the wrong way. This takes us down the path of where Colin Powell, Norman Schwartzkopf, and Tommy Franks have trod not to repeat the mistakes of Vietnam. In hindsight, I think if I was 20 in 1941 or 2001, I would have volunteered, but I turned 20 in 1974 and the war of that time was over at least as far as the involvement of the United States was concerned.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:20 PM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
List of all the blogs of St. Blogs Parish in OPML format The above link is formatted in a special way called XML/OPML for software that knows how to read these file like Blogrolling and Feed Demon. OPML is outline markup language. The nice readable html format version of this file is St. Blogs in HTML format (that's 381 blogs as of today) These files auto-generate from the bloggers which update their St. Blogs Ring information. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:34 PM Permalink ![]()
Everyone is (and should be) angry at Kerry and Edwards They have in their head that Bush's base is so prejudiced against homosexual persons that making a issue of the sexual orientation of the daughter of the vice president they will turn the base against Bush. This makes Bush's base angry because of its transparent appeal to bigotry -- thereby revealing the bigotry of Kerry. They angered the homosexual base for Kerry since it shows that when Kerry sees political advantage he can work against the agenda of homosexual acceptance. On the other hand, I think this is done with a wink to homosexuals similar to Kerry's assertion that life begins at conception. That statement presented no alarm to the abortion advocates. They concede it's part of getting elected. Likewise the outing of Mary Cheney is just part of getting elected in trying to keep voters at home who would otherwise vote for Cheney. In the end, it turned out to be a total backfire.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:15 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, October 18, 2004
Waiting for News to Move All weekend long three stories seemed to be stuck in the news cycle:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:36 PM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Events of the past weekend. My wife took my seat and heard Cardinal Dulles on C.S. Lewis and Apologetics, while I was doing apologetics elsewhere in Manhattan. I had dinner with my pastor and my fellow ushers. On Sunday, I saw, heard, and greeted Father Groeschel CFR. Details to follow. Reserve next Saturday October 23, for a prayer vigil at an abortion clinic if you live in a 50-mile radius of New York City. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:51 PM Permalink ![]()