extreme Catholic
Saturday, September 20, 2003
"A patient who recently sought health care services at a ***health care center died yesterday at a hospital in Pleasanton," said Dian Harrison, chief executive officer and president of *** Golden Gate. "The cause of death is unknown at this time. . . . We extend our deepest sympathy to the family. We wish them strength and support in this tough time." Why blog this story from the San Francisco Chronicle?
Pregnant teen's death under investigation East Bay woman had taken RU-486, according to father The girl did not disclose the pregnancy to her father. She died in agony. "The doctor told me that she hadn't aborted all of the fetus, and she had fragments left in her, and she had a massive systemic infection and went into septic shock." *** is Planned Parenthood International
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:57 AM Permalink ![]()
NY1: Body Of Newborn Girl Found In Harlem Garbage Truck Sanitation workers Friday found the body of a newborn baby inside their garbage truck. I continue to post these stories, because the death of children like this at the hands of their mothers is a crime that cries out to heaven. I see a direct connection between the unrelenting promotion of abortion in New York City with the evil sort of empowerment for mothers to kill their unwanted children by any means necessary. Even if this mother is caught or turns herself in, there will be no punishment. The reporter of this story for NY1 was struck by the side mirror of a passing van. NY1 Reporter Injured In Harlem Car Accident The thoughts of NY1 staffers are with long-time NY1 reporter Rebecca Spitz, who is in critical condition following a car accident Friday afternoon. St. Thomas the Apostle, a recently closed Catholic Church, is on 118th Street and St. Nicholas Ave.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:34 AM Permalink ![]()
Friday, September 19, 2003
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:47 PM Permalink ![]()
Christ-killers and Christian-killers The subject of the persecution of Christians came up in Mark Shea's blog. I agree with the consensus there that there was no persecution of Christians by the Romans during the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. The first great persecution occurred under Nero. The history of the is not disputed: there was a fire in Rome and whether or not Nero started it, the Christians were blamed. In the excellent sociological survey The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark puts the world population of Christians at 1,500 in 50 AD. The burning of Rome was 64 AD and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD are transforming events. The immediate impact of the loss of the temple was greater as Jews became official enemies of the Roman Empire while Christians remained tolerated. Jewish persecution of Christians was abated. Christians seemed to be more of a nuisance to the pagans -- like the Hare Krishna's in our day than a subversive anarchistic or theocratic movement like militant Islam today. I don't believe it was inevitable that there would be a bloody persecution of Christians by the Romans. The "deification" of the Roman Emperors could have very easily been accommodated by an earlier appearance of the Dark Ages creation, the Divine Right of Kings. The prime examples of this being Constantine and Charlemagne -- rulers not only by conquest but by divine appointment. Early Christians prayed not for Rome to be conquered by an alien Christian king, but for the conversion of all of Rome by the mercy of God, and, of course, this is what happened.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:03 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, September 18, 2003
And while we are on the subject of The Passion An interview with Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyo (Congregation for the Clergy) has appeared in National Review Online In my opinion, one of the great achievements of this film is to have shown so effectively both the horror of sin and selfishness, and the redeeming power of love. Seeing this film provokes love and compassion. It makes the viewer want to love more, to forgive, to be good and strong no matter what, just as Christ did even in the face of such terrible suffering. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Michael Medved makes a excellent point about The Passion He says in an exclusive interview with Our Sunday Visitor (no link available) that many critics and the most particularly, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League were silent when The Last Temptation of Christ was released. Here was a film that really insulted and stereotyped Jews as well as having no connection to the Jesus of the Gospels and the Jesus of History. Medved asked the ADL to join with the Christians protesting LTOC, but they were not interested. As Scott Hahn says it's not Mel that they are after -- it's Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:01 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Australia News Online: Archbishop defends confessional confidentiality The Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide, Phillip Wilson, has joined his Anglican counterpart Ian George in moving to protect the sanctity of the church confessional. Sadly, this is only the start of several steps to suppress the Catholic Church. Perhaps this is over-reaching as the Seal of the Confessional has a long history and this can be easily seen as a head-on confrontation with the Church. What's the practical purpose of this law anyway? Is there any indication that information the would be useful in a investigation of sexual abuse could only be obtained by revealing what said in confession?
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:04 PM Permalink ![]()
Please don't call it "The Luck of the Irish"... AP: Victims of Catholic Church-run institutions in Ireland sought The final paragraph is interesting: Laffoy wanted to discover "what did the government know and when did it know it". The panel lost its "independence" when it moved inquiries from the rectory to government house.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:48 PM Permalink ![]()
"We're from the Government and we're here to help" Dept [Great White North Edition].
Supporters of the bill said fears about censorship are groundless and that C-250 isn't meant to infringe on anyone's freedom of religion. Yeah... I don't have to tell you. It's about legislating special rights for homosexuals. CBC: MPs extend hate protection to gays
The code already made it illegal to incite hatred against an identifiable group based on colour, race, religion or ethnicity. I'm not as valuable because I'm not in a protected group. I'm OK with that. Relapsed Catholic has lots of details, including a confrontation with a Catholic peacefully protesting this law.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:47 PM Permalink ![]()
Monday, September 15, 2003
ABCNEWS.com : Defrocked St. Louis Priest Gets 12 Years A defrocked Roman Catholic priest was sentenced to 12 years in prison Monday for exposing himself to three boys while serving as an elementary school counselor. Child pornography is the signal that something is very wrong.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Ireland Online: Sinn Féin condemns loyalist threat against Catholic priest Sinn Féin has condemned loyalist death threats against a priest in north Belfast. It's not over in Ireland either. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:24 PM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, September 14, 2003
ABCNEWS.com : Passengers Duct-Tape Troublesome Traveler Airplane passengers and an air marshal subdued and then duct-taped a man who was pacing the aisle and reading loudly from the Bible during a flight from Hawaii, police and witnesses said. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 7:44 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 3:11 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:44 PM Permalink ![]()
On this the solemnity of the Triumph of the Cross
Advice from Britney Spears on modesty in dress and attitude "I'm not gonna come out on this record and show my crotch or anything," she says. "That's not me. I would never do anything like that. It's all in the way you do stuff, all in the way you carry things. in Rolling Stone. Thankfully, many, many pictures have been taken of Britney Spears, and I knew that eventually I'd find a chaste one of her wearing a cross. When I came across the pictures of her with a 10-foot long sepent, it reminded me of the bronze serpent from today's Mass (Numbers 21:4) and whatever did happen to the bronze sepent? Destroyed by King Hezekiah when the people began to worship it as in idol. (2 Kings 18)
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:14 PM Permalink ![]()