extreme Catholic
Friday, March 12, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:57 PM Permalink ![]()
In praise of Google. Many search engines (Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.) want to compete with Google. They seem to have strategies the all but guarantee failure because they won't do what Google does so well:
A few years back a search engine called goto.com thought that always presenting all 1 to 100 paid links first made sense. Unfortunately none of the users thought so and the company went bankrupt.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:42 AM Permalink ![]()
A human being died so that she would not have a six inch c-section scar
Salt Lake City Tribune: Mother is charged in stillborn son's death Salt Lake County prosecutors on Thursday charged a West Jordan woman with criminal homicide in the death of her stillborn baby. Prosecutors claim the woman ignored repeated warnings in the last few weeks of pregnancy that the twins she was carrying could die or suffer brain damage unless she had an immediate Caesarean section. Why the procrasatination? There should have been a guardian ad litem for the unborn children and a court order to perform the c-section on Rowland without her consent. I hope they carry the prosecution forward, but it's clear that the angle that "she lost a child -- she has suffered enough" would be an emotional claim to work on the jury.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:35 AM Permalink ![]()
Thursday, March 11, 2004
The Weekly Standard A cartoon on going to see The Passion of the Christ Don't Worry Sweetie. In the sequel he comes back and kills all the bad people.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 5:57 PM Permalink ![]()
Giving credibility to the conspiracy kooks In doing some 9/11/2001 research I came across some Jewish/Christian dialog -- Jewish leaders urged that Catholic leaders support the call not to spread a conspiracy theory -- that Jews (or Israel) had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Now it's post-2/25/2004 and the conspiracy theory du jour is that Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is anti-Semitic -- is being spread by these same Jewish leaders. Some two weeks later, still no outbreak of anti-Semitism and still no apology.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:28 PM Permalink ![]()
Jewish.comâ„¢ Store The Ten Plagues. A fun and educational way to demonstrate the power of God to smite Pharaoh. Blogger Credit: fark.com
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:27 AM Permalink ![]()
I'm watching this one One of my criticisms of the current Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Egan, has been his invisibility in matters where the Catholic faithful is being discriminated against. So far he's been content to let the Catholic League and the St. Thomas More Law Center do the heavy lifting. Perhaps he needs to be given some slack because he had to deal with the sexual abuse crisis and a financial disaster he inherited from Cardinal O'Connor. Does Cardinal Egan has any moral standing, any clout, as the religious leader of five million Catholics? We may know soon:
1010 WINS: Cardinal Egan Asks Mall to Close on Easter The Mall has never been open on Easter before. Legally, of course, it is allowed to be open.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:18 AM Permalink ![]()
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:08 PM Permalink ![]()
![]() (This illustration from Christian Herald Magazine is taken from Parochial School Funding: Catholics, Protestants, and Legal Activism at Mid-Century)
WSJ: Secular Absolutism (paid subs. reqd.)Secular absolutism is becoming the most potent religious force in America. Just ask the Boy Scouts and Catholic Charities, which both fell afoul of secular orthodoxy and then found judges willing to punish them for it. I'll replace the link when it moves to Opinion Journal This is so clear and well written, I expect it is being read over all the conservative talk radio programs today. As Christians, and still a majority in the United States I believe, we are being squeezed to death by the secularists and Islamo-fascists. The Protestants with their Blaine Amendments eventually shut themseleves of schools they tried to shut the Catholics out of. Today, the Koran is protected and the Gospel is offensive in a public school.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:45 PM Permalink ![]()
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 9:03 PM Permalink ![]()
Cephas Ministry Christian research on Mormonism, Masonry, Jehovah's Witnesses, Roman Catholicism and other aberrant teachings. I got some comments on anti-Catholic sites. He's a good example of a site that is a little more polished than most. It combines a lot of "New World Order" hogwash and other conspiracy theories into something that's supposed to scare you. Visitors to Cephas Ministry are probably reading the DaVinci Code more than Bible.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:33 PM Permalink ![]()
Dhimmi Watch: Islam 'will be dominant UK religion' Quoting the Gulf Daily News:Islam will be the most widely practised religion in the UK by 2020, according to British and Muslim magazine editor Sarah Joseph. Robert Spencer has some great comments on how Islam is being presented to Muslim youth in the U.K. I want to add some points of hope:
A few fears:
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 1:02 PM Permalink ![]()
Cowan and Alexander shows a wonderful auction and insights into the world of the dot coms -- MP3.COM is the dead dot com of the week.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:52 PM Permalink ![]()
Someone out there is pondering a doctoral thesis on this topic Is there any point to publishing is a medium that is not replicated or doesn't get some sort of online reference? So much research, academic, business, and personal is now going to exclusively on the net, getting published in an obscure journal means that you won't be read and cited.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:49 PM Permalink ![]()
Memo to Catholic Bishops: You are being reduced to the absurd. When you give an interview and say a lot of serious stuff and, for laughs, you add "What's to stop a person from marrying their pet", please realize that's the sound bite they (i.e. the mainstream media supporting gay marriage) will use to make the Catholic position seem silly. Let the comedians and talk show hosts take care of reducing things to the absurd.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:07 AM Permalink ![]()
Martha Stewart Verdict: Dennis Miller offers an opinion paraphrase: She received insider information, and as a former stockbroker she knew what was going to happen to that Imclone stock within hours. I don't think he mentioned the class envy thing. DM's opinion pretty much matches mine. MS could have admitted to a technical violation, paid a fine, and this would have been forgotten. $520,000,000 have been paid in fines for trading violations in the first 80 days of 2004. How many of these do you know of? Stewart's $50,000 or even $100,000 fine would have been quickly paid and forgotten in Wall Street. Fobes magazine has the details of these fines if you are skeptical.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:52 AM Permalink ![]()
Verbal scare quotes in the local news Of course, I can't reproduce the intonation of the voices so you have to take my word for it, WNBC's reports on the gay marriage controversy used the neutral voice when talking about the numerous mayors and county clerks who have come up with their own interpretations of the constitution. When it came to reporting what Cardinal Egan testisfied, My position would be that marriage would be an agreement to be faithful and to stay together in a union between a man and woman with openness to children and with a seeking of mutual support. the voice used that skeptical tone. I know -- you had to be there. posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:08 AM Permalink ![]()
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Required Reading Religion of Marshmallows; Rod Dreher in the National Review Corner who asks you to read David Brooks NY Times op-ed Hooked on Heaven Lite posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:49 PM Permalink ![]()
Troy Record: Lawyer: Hubbard probe 'dangerous' By:Robert Cristo , The Record 03/09/2004 And 3 1/2 weeks later, still no report from the coroner on Fr. Minkler's suspicious death. It's a whitewash and a coverup.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:17 PM Permalink ![]()
Martha Stewart Verdict: Rush Limbaugh offers an opinion Rush thought the Martha Stewart verdict was based on class envy. When a calm, patient caller started to demolish his argument by pointing out that Martha lied and was convicted for lying and not for "insider trading" -- as Rush and the caller mentioned this charge was thrown out. Rush called him a "seminar caller" and hung up on him. Rush identifies more with Stewart than the 12 on the jury. That is obvious. But for him to offer such a lame defense -- "Clinton got away with it, why not Martha" is far below Rush's usual standards.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:20 PM Permalink ![]()
Bunsen: Compare and Contrast: Starsky and Hutch and The Passion of the Christ Heroes I believe this is the first time I've linked to Bunsen.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 6:14 PM Permalink ![]()
The Silence of the Vatican I went looking for words of praise for the people of Iraq and the United States-led interim administration of Iraq from the Vatican for the signing of the Constitution and a major milestone on the way to bringing peace and freedom to Iraq. Nothing.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 8:37 AM Permalink ![]()
Monday, March 08, 2004
New York Times: Kerry's Shifts: Nuanced Ideas or Flip-Flops? When Senator John Kerry was speaking to Jewish leaders a few days ago, he said Israel's construction of a barrier between it and Palestinian territories was a legitimate act of self-defense. But in October, he told an Arab-American group that it was "provocative and counterproductive" and a "barrier to peace."Of course, the Times concludes it is "nuanced ideas". The odd thing is that articles like this always run in the Saturday edition. One tenth of the readership of the other editions of the paper. How coincidental...
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 10:17 AM Permalink ![]()
Sunday, March 07, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 11:15 PM Permalink ![]()
My political theory The core value of the Democratic party since 1970 has been to obtain unlimited abortion (achieved in 1973) and maintain it, not only by the legislative and executive branch elections but, supremely, the judiciary. Every action that will have a long-term impact for the Democratic party cannot threat abortion: My own current Congressman Joseph Crowley is a example of it. He's "pro-life" on paper, in theory... His father was in politics and a was a leader of the Catholic pro-life wing in the Democratic party 30 years ago. The 42-year old Joseph Crowley votes about 50% of the time with the pro-abortion forces. He can be counted on to vote pro-life on lop-sided votes that will be defeated, and vote pro-abortion on close votes. His "Crowley Amendment" was to restore full funding to the primary abortion-funding bureaucracy of the United Nations, the UNFPA. Crowley, like me, is a Irish-American in a area that has only a handful of Irish-Americans under the age of 40. Most of our generation have moved with our families to the suburbs. Abortion is at the center -- the right to choose. Their tent is big enough to accomodate anything except something that threatens this. I'm not a political scientist, this is anectodal: the people likely to be influenced to vote pro-life around me are practicing Catholics and Evangelicals. A lot of elderly people around me are voting Democratic: out of habit, and they believe that Democrats will deliver the goods: more benefits, more social spending for them. I think the Democratic party has become the party of special interests, each looking for the biggest piece of the pie they can grab.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 2:39 PM Permalink ![]()
Emerging Political Trend Dept. UK Guardian: Need to build a case for war? Step forward Mr Chalabi The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jinsa) is the focus of a conspiracists. There was a caller on CSPAN today who wouldn't shut up about it. Victor Davis Hanson said that the remarkable thing is the emegence of anti-semitism from the left.
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:44 PM Permalink ![]()
Questions asked about The Passion of the Christ
Grand Central Terminal: New York City, 2PM March 6, 2004
posted by Patrick Sweeney at 12:19 AM Permalink ![]()